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Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Gerson Dias

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. SeeRanger Index (Who is Who?)for more details.

Who you are?1382311_639966186025010_52518714_n

I'm Gerson Dias, consultant at Lambda 3, someone that really love improve people life. I’m proud to myself when I can help people to work efficiently and they can go home early and enjoy their life!

What makes you “tick”?

I really appreciate arts and dance. I’m Forró teacher (a Brazilian salon dance rhythm) and I really like to teach something to other people. It’s extremely rewarding when I can help someone to smile and interact with other people.

Where you live?

I currently live in São Paulo, Brazil.

Why are you active in the Rangers program?

I believe that I can learn a lot of technological stuff and will be a chance to help people in their works. Share my experience will be a great way to learn more and to help people to enjoy their lives well!

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

I’m excited to begin to contribute in community projects.