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Dog-fooding Journal #2 – Train-Research-Planning (TRP) Sprint … assembling the team

As part of the preparations we have to commit the team, which often creates a dilemma of having too many volunteers Sad smile See I volunteered for a project, but am booked on another voyage … why?.

commit, welcome and kick-start the team

After selecting the “dream team” we add the team members to the vsarSecurity team on VSO and to our email distribution list (DL), which will be used to schedule meetings and collaborate.
This is typically done by the program manager (PM) and the ruck master (RM).

We then send a welcome email to the selected team members, which we prefer the project lead (PL) to send. We emphasise the use of the controlled vocabulary allowing users to manage the wave of project emails and be selective as discussed in How can I determine which of the 100’s of ALM Ranger emails is important to “Gregg”.


The main headings in the welcome email typically include:

  • Welcome
  • Infrastructure
  • Who are the core team members, i.e. product owner, program manager, ruck maser, project lead, …?
  • Who are the team contributors / developers?
  • Who are the team reviewers / testers?
  • Next steps
    • Meeting invites coming
    • Peruse innovations we will dog-food
    • Read and understand our core features
    • Comment on our proposed objectives
    • Comment on our proposed roadmap
    • Go, go, go instructions

help others find another adventure

The Program Manager (PM) then has the unfortunate task of notifying the team members who were not selected.

Working with other program managers and ruck masters, we help the Rangers find another adventure to invest their phenomenal passion for the ALM community and technology.

what’s supposed to happen next?

In the next post we will explore the following:

  1. Schedule the training, research and planning (TRP) sessions well in advance to allow team members to plan the TRP sprint.
  2. Schedule the weekly 15+15min stand-up meetings, which typically start during the TRP sprint or the first Development (DEV) sprint.
  3. Go, go, go with the TRP activities.

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