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Wiki Life: Let's Thank and Honor our TechNet Wiki Ninjas

Dear All,

Welcome to TechNet Wiki Life!

Before starting this blog post I would like to wish all my Wiki Ninja Members, Authors and all TechNet Wiki Family a very Merry Christmas!

This December month is always a happy month for me. For most people, the December month is a year's end month.

But for me it's like the new year starting month. I got great news during this December month and I always believe this month will be more special for me. I still remember the day when Ed Price, our TechNet Wiki Ninja Guru, Interviewed me for TechNet Wiki blog, it was most memorable day for me. Even this (2017) December month I got very good news, after 3 months wait and starting a new life.

Many people see TechNet Wiki as a community, but I say TechNet Wiki as a Family and not like a normal community.

You might not know that there are several Wiki Ninjas working hard for our TechNet Wiki. Some Ninjas work every day and every second to clear Spam and Many Ninjas work weekly and monthly.

All the Ninjas have their own responsibility to make our TechNet Wiki as the best and user friendly Community (Family). If any Ninja stops his duty then all the rest of work will be stopped as pending.

It is important to know that all this ninjas are working for our TechNet Wiki for non benefits. Which means they are all volunteers working for our TechNet Wiki Community.

TechNet Wiki has two major parts

  1. TechNet Wiki where we publish all our Articles and
  2. TechNet Wiki Blog where all the TechNet Wiki Ninjas Bloggers post everyday from Monday to Sunday with different blog post.

For both TechNet Wiki and for Blog all our Ninjas working hard to make our TechNet Wiki Community (Family) the best and useful for all Microsoft Technology lovers with great articles and blog posts.

Here Ninjas are the normal TechNet Wiki members. If a new member registered in our TechNet Wiki and published a good article then he will become as one of our Ninjas family.

As I told you, many Ninjas are working hard to make our TechNet Wiki Community (Family) the best and they don't really get any reward for that work. All the real Ninjas are working for our TechNet Wiki as without expecting anything, all they expect is only love from the community. In our family all the real Ninjas are getting love from each Ninja and we respect each one and all are playing their role honestly. Here all the Ninjas get benefit by the means of friends and good feeling.

This blog post is to honor and say thanks to a few of our great Ninjas who work hard for 2017 from January to December.

Here I would like to mention each ninja with their name and their roles, responsibility and what they have done with a simple Thank you message. if you want to thank all our Ninja hero's then kindly add your thanks message in the comment section.

Note: If I miss someone in this list kindly send me a private message and I will add your names as all the Wiki Ninjas are real heroes and our TechNet Wiki is a Family rather than community.

TechNet Wiki Ninja - Publishers

Firstly I would like to thank all our TechNet Wiki Ninjas article contributors, They are the real Ninjas Hero's.

Today's TechNet Wiki member will be as tomorrow's real Ninja hero, so firstly I would like to honor and thank all our TechNet Wiki members, who are all contributing articles in Microsoft Technology. I don't want to differentiate any contributes, here all are real ninjas even if they contribute one article or they contribute 100 articles. All are equal in our TechNet Wiki community, that's why I tell TechNet Wiki as a family. A huge thanks to all our contributors as you are all doing great job and I'm expecting more Ninjas need to join in our TechNet Wiki community and more articles need to be published in all our Microsoft TechNet Wiki categories.

Request to all our Ninjas to share about TechNet Wiki with friends and encourage all of them to share and read articles from Microsoft TechNet Wiki.

TechNet Wiki Ninja - Leader and Guru

First we start with our TechNet Wiki Ninja Guru none other than our Ed Price. Ed is very simple and humble person and he's our main ninja Guru who manage all our TechNet Wiki. He is the great leader for our TechNet Wiki and he always watches all our ninjas work and he's very very busy person. Thank you Ed Price for all your work and support for TechNet Wiki and for all TechNet Wiki Ninjas. From the above picture you can see our TechNet Lead Ed Price with our other TechNet Wiki Ninjas. I missed to be present in this picture. This picture was taken during 2016 MVP Summit.

TechNet Wiki - Head Ninja

Here comes our TechNet Wiki Article Head Ninja, none other than Peter Geelen.

Peter plays major roles for all our TechNet Wiki Articles. He always keeps an eye on all published articles in our TechNet Wiki and any spam or non appropriate article for TechNet Wiki will immediately be removed from our TechNet Wiki.

Thank you, Peter for all your work and support for our TechNet Wiki community.

TechNet Wiki - Spam Fighters Ninjas

TechNet Wiki Ninjas Spam Fighters are really doing the great job. We can see everyday lots of Spam article was been publishing in our TechNet Wiki. All our Spam Fighter Ninja's doing great job and immediately they are killing all the spam articles. Firstly I would like to thank our TechNet Wiki Spam fighter God father Richard Mueller.

Richard Mueller is contributing in TechNet Wiki for very long time and he is really doing a great job for our community. Last year I met Richard Mueller at Microsoft MVP summit and still I remember the day as he's really god father to all of us and gem of a person.

Now here come our all other Spam Fighters who are all doing great job. The Spam fighters is not a single person and who will do all time for our Technet Wiki, If any of our TechNet Wiki Ninja member saw any spam and report it then he will become as the Spam Fighters, It will be really hard to tell the names for Spam fighters, but here are few members who really did great job for killing the spam for 2017. Thank you all for doing the great job

If I have missed any members name kindly apologize me for that, kindly send me the message with your profile link, Iwill add it here, as this will be placed in our TechNet Wiki history.

TechNet Wiki Blog - Head Ninja

Here we are and our next real blog head Ninja is none other than our Pete Laker.

If I want to talk about Pete Laker then I need to write a new post! He's done many things for our TechNet and also I can say he's the backbone for our community. A few of his tasks are the Wiki Ninja Belt calculator, invented and used by him. Our Monthly Guru voting is organised by him. If he were not consistent every month, the month's Guru result wold not have been published. He's really very charming, caring and kind hearted person with lots of technical stuff inside him. I also met Pete Laker during my Microsoft MVP summit during past year. He bought TechNet Wiki Ninja sticker for all our Ninjas and it was great moment to meet him and all our Ninjas. Here is our TechNet Wiki blog guru

Pete Laker and this picture was taken during MVP Summit 2016.

TechNet Wiki - Coordination Ninja Lead

Next we have is Ronen Ariely (aka) pituach. I can tell Ronen Ariely (aka) pituach as the Coordinating Ninja Lead. Yes he's the main person who manage TechNet Wiki Facebook group. Any TechNet Wiki ninjas can easily reach him and he will be available for 24/7 to support all our TechNet Wiki community members. he's very active in social media and always supporting and encoraging all our Wiki Ninjas. He will be the first to add comment for any article link posting in TechNet WIki FB group and he will guide new members on how to contribute article in TechNet Wiki.

Ronen Ariely (aka) pituach Thank you for all your support and help for our TechNet Wiki Community.

TechNet Wiki Blogger Ninjas

Next we have our TechNet Wiki Ninjas bloggers. We all know that from Monday to Sunday, as everyday we can see as each day, one category blog will be published. All this blogs will be published by Technet Wiki Ninja bloggers. There will be schedule for each quarter to publish the blogs, and all our blogger by them self select their slot and publish blogs on that day. huge respect and thanks to all the bloggers, who are all doing really great job on posting the blogs. Here is list of bloggers, who do publish blogs every week with their own slot.

Everyone, please join me in thanking all our TechNet Wiki Ninjas !

I would like to share one more good news.

For the past 3 years during the month of December we celebrate with designing.

Yes now our Technet Wiki Ninja can also become a designer and share your Banner and Logo images for TechNet Wiki. Kindly check this blog post for more details.

Call-to-arms to all designers!!!

Thank you all.


Syed Shanu
MSDN Profile | MVP Profile | Facebook | Twitter |
TechNet Wiki the community where we all join hands to share Microsoft-related information.


  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2017
    Thank you for posting this Syed. It is much appreciated. Yes, I fondly remember when many of us got together at the Summit. It is always great to meet people in person.
    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2017
      Thank You
  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2017
    Thank you Syed for this article, It is nice to finish the year with this article :) Wish you Happy New Year.
    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2017
      Thank You
  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2017
    Merry Christmas to everyone of the TechNet family! :DLet's make the next year the best year for TechNet
    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2017
      Thank You
  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2017
    Great post Syed ?Thanks for sharing it and for the nice words in the blog. Surly give a good feeling to get thanks from time to time, and the Wiki Ninjas leaders surly doing a great work which much is done behind the scenes and hidden from users. So let me join you and thanks all our great team on a their contributions to the community, I want to thanks the Wiki council members, the Wiki Judges, the authors and all that take part in our activities :-)
    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2017
      Thank You
  • Anonymous
    December 28, 2017
    Thank You
  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2017
    Great post Syed, thanks a lot
    • Anonymous
      January 08, 2018
      Thank You
  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2017
    Thank you Syed!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and everyone who passes through!<3
    • Anonymous
      January 08, 2018
      Thank You
  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2018
    Great post, it captured lot of memories, thank you Syed for the post.
    • Anonymous
      January 30, 2018
      Thank You Gaurav