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27 новых бесплатных курсов виртуальной академии Microsoft Virtual Academy, февраль 2015


В этом обзоре мы поговорим про бесплатные курсы виртуальной академии Microsoft MVA, которые будут полезны как профессиональным разработчикам программного обеспечения и ИТ-про, так и новичкам. Некоторые курсы предлагают бесплатную подготовку к официальным сертификационным экзаменам. Обратите внимание, что видео-плеер на сайте для ряда курсов, которые созданы на английском языке, содержит возможность включить русские субтитры.

Хит! Экспресс-погружение в разработку приложений на JavaScript

Если вы занимаетесь разработкой на JavaScript, то этот курс поможет вам разобраться в том, что вас ждет уже в ближайшем будущем. Мы постарались дать краткий обзор новых тенденций и современных возможностей в разработке приложений на JavaScript: будь это сложные веб-решения, приложения для Windows или кроссплатформенные приложения, или игры. Так же мы немножко заглянем в будущее и посмотрим на возможности следующей версии стандарта JavaScript – ECMAScript 6 и затронем новые сферы, в которых уже сегодня можно применять JS.

Хит! Введение в AngularJS

Веб-разработчики, если вам понравился модуль Введение в AngularJS в курсе Одностраничные приложения с jQuery и AngularJS, то приготовьтесь к еще более мощному курсу! По многочисленным запросам эксперты Stacey Mulcahy и Christopher Harrison продемонстрируют вам как использовать встроенную функциональность AngularJS в ваших приложениях. Узнайте о самых полезных задачах, которые помогает решить AngularJS и разберите на примере простого приложения функции и особенности Фреймворка, включая Directives, Databinding, Expressions и Filtering. Плюс, научитесь таксономии, языку, структуре и еще большему. Приступайте к этому информативному курсу целиком посвященному AngularJS!

Хит! Разработка современных приложений на C#

Основная задача курса – показать мощь современной платформы Microsoft .NET и управляемых языков, в частности - языка программирования C# (хотя мы также коротко показываем, как прекрасен может быть F#). В обзорной форме мы рассказываем о том, как C# можем применяться для создания универсальных приложений на платформе Windows, облачных сервисов, а также устройств для «интернета вещей» и мобильных роботов.

Новый. Корпоративные устройства. Как обеспечить защиту данных и приложений

Одна из тенденций последнего времени – использование сотрудниками компаний своих личных устройств для доступа к ресурсам корпоративной сети. Такие устройства зачастую просто невозможно включить в домен и, как следствие, к ним неприменимы традиционные подходы и инструменты управления.  В серии курсов под общим заголовком «Корпоративные устройства» вы познакомитесь с технологиями, обеспечивающими безопасный доступ к корпоративным ресурсам с мобильных устройств, работающих под управлением Windows, Windows Phone, iOS и Android. Во втором курсе серии обсуждаются технологии обеспечения безопасности устройств с Windows 8.1, рассматривается новый механизм синхронизации файлов Work Folders, появившийся в Windows Server 2012 R2, дается обзор облачной службы защиты документов Azure Rights Management Services, а также иллюстрируется применение динамического контроля доступа совместно с перечисленными технологиями.

Новый. Миграция на Windows Server 2012 R2 и Microsoft Azure

Достаточно скоро, а именно 14 июля 2015 года закончится поддержка серверных операционных систем семейства Windows Server 2003 и Windows Server 2003 R2. В связи с этим возникает ряд важных инфраструктурных задач миграции со старых систем на новую серверную ОС – Windows Server 2012 R2. Задачи миграции роли контроллера домена и службы каталогов, миграции кластера, а также миграция службы обновления WSUS не только с Windows Server 2003, но и с Windows Server 2008 R2 на актуальный Windows Server 2012 R2 будут рассмотрены в этом курсе. Также в конце курса мы рассмотрим сценарии и процесс миграции виртуальной машины на из локального ЦОД в публичное облако Microsoft Azure.

Хит! Разработка игр на C++/DirectX : звуки и шейдеры

Now that you've mastered skyboxes and porting DX 11 to 11.2, how about a fun look at sounds and shaders? In this second course in the C++/DirectX game development series, add some shine, emboss and blur graphics, and incorporate sounds, as you expand on your game prototype from the previous course.

Experts Mickey MacDonald and Bryan Griffiths explore XAudio2 and teach you how to integrate it into your game engine. Test out various DirectX shader tricks to get cool artistic looks seen in other graphics-editing software. Plus, check out the new Graphics Debugging tool in Visual Studio.

Хит! Разработка игр на C++/DirectX : скайбоксы и портирование DX11 на 11.2

If you’re an experienced Game Developer and want to build on your C++ and DirectX skills, up-level your employment options with AAA companies​, and expand on the DirectX knowledge you gained in the Introduction to C++ and DirectX Game Development course, now's your chance!

In this first in a series of in-depth C++ and DirectX game development trainings, popular experts Bryan Griffiths and Mickey MacDonald build on the prototype from the previous course and show you how to port old DirectX 11 programs to the new Windows 8 landscape. Explore cube maps and skyboxes, create a worldscape and render images, and make a skydome in DirectX. Take this opportunity to build your engine development and coding skills!

Новый. Выжимаем производительность в Microsoft Azure

Deploying Azure? You know that delivering a great user experience is important for the success of your Azure deployment. Explore how Azure makes it easy to deliver excellent performance by selecting the right service options, monitoring them, and scaling to meet demand. Look at common architecture choices, learn how to build for performance, and more. Don't miss it!

Новый. Фундаментальные основы сетей в Microsoft Azure для ИТ-про

If you're an IT Pro who needs guidance configuring Azure multi-site virtual private networks (VPNs), check out this course.
Get a general overview of networking in Azure, and cover all the steps required to set up VPNs in Azure. Explore deployment planning, connectivity testing, monitoring, and more.

Новый. Обзор Azure Websites со всех сторон

Want to explore the lifecycle of an Azure Website, from building blocks to production to troubleshooting? Now's your chance! Get a look at new features in Azure Websites, including WebJobs, added security, and simple authentication. Plus, explore supported languages, such as ASP.NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and more.

Watch experts Jon Galloway and Cory Fowler, as they look at this fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) that enables you to build, deploy, and scale enterprise-grade web apps in seconds. See how easy it is to get started and to manage and scale your sites as they grow. Special guest Apurva Joshi (AJ), Microsoft Senior Program Manager, joins Cory in Module 7 for a discussion on troubleshooting and diagnosing issues in your live app.

In this look at the power of Microsoft Azure, check out how to hook up continuous integration and deployment, learn to run background tasks with WebJobs, and see some cool demos.

Новый. Гибридные облачные решения : Disaster Recovery и High Availability

Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager protects applications by coordinating the replication of virtual machines (VMs) at a secondary location. In this course, explore how Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager brings together Hyper-V Replica asynchronous virtual machine replication capabilities in Windows Server and the Virtual Machine Manager component of System Center, and how it combines them with the power of Microsoft Azure to provide site-to-site protection of your virtual machines and private clouds. This includes remote health monitoring and orchestrated recovery. The course examines other features that help with disaster recovery and high availability in a hybrid cloud environment.

Новый. Гибридные облачные решения : Хранение данных и Бэкап

As you may know, Microsoft is becoming a "devices & services" company. And devices can mean more than phones, tablets, and consumer services. They can also be data center infrastructure products. The same way that client/server architectures reshaped enterprise computing in the '90s, device and service designs will change the future of enterprise IT.

The broad interest in software-defined networking (SDN) shows how eager customers and vendors are to integrate on-premises devices (both real and virtual) with centralized management services. Why? To respond faster to changes and to increase the utilization of the physical infrastructure. 

This course introduces you to strategies and features of both on-premises and cloud solutions in the area of storage from Microsoft, along with some hands-on experiences.

Новый. Гибридные облачные решения : Веб-сайты

Hybrid cloud, the use and building of applications that connect to data and services across a mix of data centers, is the reality for cloud computing today. Watch this informative training course to get the details, and learn how  your businesses and applications will move to the cloud in their own unique way, at their own unique speed. To support this change, you need a cloud solution that provides the necessary flexibility for the different ways you will architect, develop, and deploy your applications and IT solutions, whether on-premises, in the cloud, or a mix of both. Watch as the experts describe and demonstrate website deployment using a combination of Microsoft Azure and the Azure Pack for Windows Server.

Новый. Корпоративное мобильное управление с Windows Phone 8.1

Mobility has changed the way we live and work everyday. This course covers how far Windows device management has evolved as well as what's new in Windows Phone 8.1. Microsoft technology experts Simon May, David Alessi, Mike Danoski, and Alan Meeus will delve into how these improvements benefit both end users and IT administrators.

Новый. Сертификация. Подготовка к экзамену Windows 8.1 MCSA

This course is intended for self-directed learners pursuing the Windows 8.1 MCSA credential. Think of this as a crash course comprised of six modules with accompanied PowerPoint decks designed to provide a snap-shot of the knowledge and skills necessary when preparing for exams 70-687 and 70-688.

The introductory module explains the Windows 8.1 MCSA credential, the associated exams, recommended best practices for self-study, readily available study resources, and a few words of encouragement to motivate viewers. The objective for this course is to inspire ITPros to evaluate, prepare for, and complete the Windows 8.1 MCSA requirements using readily available resources such as MS Press, TechNet, and MVA.

Modules 2-6 are comprised of fast-paced topics that include tips and tricks for preparation, examples of the kind of depth-breadth of skills and technical expertise required to successfully complete exams 70-687 and 70-688, and in some cases demonstrate relevant tools and technologies. These modules are not intended as single resource for preparation, but rather a starting point and provide recommendations for pursuing additional resources.

Новый. Технологии Failover Clustering в Windows Server 2012 R2

Would you like to learn how to deploy, manage, and optimize a Windows Server 2012 R2 failover cluster? This course can teach you everything you want to know, and you don't even need prior clustering experience!

Explore the basic requirements for a failover cluster and how to deploy and validate it. Optimize the networking and storage configuration, and create a Scale-Out File Server. Get best practices for configuring and optimizing highly available Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs), and explore disaster recovery solutions with both Hyper-V Replica and multi-site clustering. Then, look at advanced administration and troubleshooting techniques. Finally, get a look at how System Center 2012 R2 can be used for large-scale failover cluster management and optimization.

Новый. Технологии идентификации управления доступом Active Directory и Azure

Need tips for moving your Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) workload to Microsoft Azure, the powerful platform leveraged by IT specialists to provide a range of services and tools to end users? Look no further!

Get expert advice on design, deployment, maintenance, and more so you can smoothly manage the transition of your ADFS workload to Azure. Explore the various forms of identity, and learn to transition the tools that provide identity services into Microsoft Azure. Plus, see how to resolve common issues.

Новый. Виртуализация и управление облачной платформой Microsoft SQL Server

As customers move past virtualizing their less critical systems and move onto the more powerful, more demanding, more mission-critical systems, it is very important that they have confidence that virtualization can provide what was previously available in the physical world. Performance is one of the key considerations to virtualizing these kind of workloads, and with the performance testing by ESG, along with the key scale and performance capabilities in Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V, it's clear that customers can successfully virtualize those workloads, without sacrifices, on a cost-effective virtualization platform.

In this course, take that transformative journey and get tips to help you take advantage of new innovations which can help give you what you need to transform IT to deliver the business services that enable value—from infrastructure, to data, to apps and devices. The Microsoft solution to enabling this is the Cloud OS, our vision of the unified platform.

Новый. Виртуализация и управление облачной платформой Microsoft SharePoint

With Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, ESG Labs tested a virtualized configuration of SharePoint 2013, and their findings concluded that the performance, scalability, and low overhead of Hyper-V can be used to reduce costs while improving the manageability, flexibility, and availability of consolidated SharePoint 2013 workloads.

Performance is one of the key considerations in virtualization, and with the performance testing by ESG, along with the key scale and performance capabilities in Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V, it's clear that customers can successfully virtualize, without sacrifices, on a cost-effective platform. And Microsoft enables this with Cloud OS, the Microsoft vision of the unified platform.

Новый. Лучшие практики SharePoint 2013

You know that best practices are patterns, implementations, and configurations that have repeatedly proven themselves as a way to achieve a high quality and reliable solution. But what does this look like for SharePoint 2013?

Get the details from experts Brian Alderman and Christopher Harrison, as they share best practices based on their real-world experiences planning, training, installing, updating, optimizing, and troubleshooting SharePoint 2013.

Новый. Публикация приложений Office App в Магазине Office Store

If you'd like to explore how, as a Developer, you can ship your app into the Office Store and target the large Office 365 user base, take this course!

Experts cover how to submit your new app via the Seller Dashboard, lifecycle management, licensing, and much more. Hear tips, learn best practices, and get practical advice to make shipping your Office app a success.

Новый. Расширение Office 365 с пакетом Enterprise Mobility Suite

If you want to take advantage of the Office 365 Enterprise Mobility Suite, be sure to take this course. Learn to provide access and protections to your users, and explore the enterprise management features you'd expect from any enterprise mobility management solution.

Новый. Глубокое погружение в компоненты и сервисы SharePoint

If you'd like a deep dive into the many building blocks available within the SharePoint platform that can be consumed via the Office 365 apps and API, be sure to take this course.

A team of experts leads you through advanced workflow scenarios in Office 365, using the SharePointREST API to create SharePoint lists for data storage, SharePoint 2013 Remote Event Receivers, and more.

Новый. Обновление до SharePoint 2013

Want to upgrade to SharePoint 2013? Walk through the necessary steps to perform an efficient and effective upgrade, with experts Brian Alderman and Christopher Harrison, and hear how Microsoft has enhanced the process.

Learn how to properly plan for the upgrade, explore the upgrade process model, and hear a discussion on how to upgrade from your service applications and web applications, plus how to strategically upgrade individual site collections. They also look at special upgrade scenarios, including upgrading from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013, upgrading a classic-mode web app to a claims-based authenticated web app, and completing the upgrade of the Search Service Application in SharePoint 2013.

Новый. Управления квотами Storage Quota для SharePoint Online

Wondering how to configure storage in SharePoint Online? Check out this course! SharePoint Online provides each customer with an allotted amount of storage and server resources. In this session, find out how to configure the amount of storage allotted for each site collection, and learn about how to receive email alerts when your users get close to reaching the quota you've set. Also, hear how to buy more storage, should you run out.

Новый. Отсутствие катастрофоустойчивости вашего сайта не дает вам уснуть ночью?

Do you have a disaster recovery (DR) plan? Not having a DR plan is a bit like walking a tightrope with no safety net, fine while you’re on the rope but, if something goes wrong, you’re in for a world of hurt.

In this course, walk with expert ​Donovan Kernahan through planning and provisioning protection for your virtualized workloads, so you can recover to Microsoft Azure in the event of a disaster. Explore Site Recovery Manager, configure the components to get started, create a recovery orchestration plan, and test a failover.

Новый. Глубокое погружение в виртуализацию MDOP

MDOP User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) makes it easier to give mobile users access to their unique profiles, data, and settings across their Windows PC devices. It provides users with a consistent, personal, Windows experience that matches their unique work style, while making it easy for you to deliver this user-defined experience across many devices.

In this Level 300 course, take a deep dive into the latest version of UE-V, and get the details on how you should plan and execute your deployment, using UE-V templates to synchronize your application settings. And explore best practices for managing your UE-V infrastructure.

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