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FAQ:Where are the setup logs stored ?

If you have run into any setup failure, the first thing you should do is save the logs. The Logs for Visual Studio 2005 are stored in the following place. In addition to this, if the Device Emulator setup failed or you are getting that Virtual Machine Network Driver is not installed then you aslo need the following log file %windir%setupapi.log

dd_depcheck80.txt – located in your %temp% directory

dd_vserror80.txt – located in your %temp% directory during Visual Studio .NET setup; moved to the Logs directory in the path that you installed Visual Studio .NET to after installation; left in %temp% after a failed installation and after uninstallation

dd_vsinstall80.txt – located in your %temp% directory during Visual Studio .NET setup; moved to the Logs directory in the path that you installed Visual Studio .NET to after installation; left in %temp% after a failed installation and after uninstallation

VSMsiLog****.txt (where * is a randomly-generated suffix) - located in your %temp% directory during Visual Studio .NET setup; moved to the Logs directory in the path that you installed Visual Studio .NET to after installation; left in %temp% after a failed installation and after uninstallation

For setup issues you can use the Product Feedback Center to logs your bugs or use the setup forum to disucss other issues.

