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Microsoft в лидерах ECM-систем по версии Gartner

В конце сентября вышел очередно обзор ECM-решений от Gartner - Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management 2008. В этом году MS попал в квадрант лидеров, что конечно же не может не радовать :)

Как всегда две картинки с изменениями:

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management, 2007

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management, 2008

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Интересно почитать, что про MS пишут в этом году:


  • More so than any other vendor, Microsoft has driven ECM market transformation with SharePoint 2007. Microsoft has brought BCS to the masses by bringing the cost per seat down and tying simple content management to the familiar desktop tools that users use every day. By commoditizing core library services, it has forced traditional ECM vendors to move deeper into vertical applications as a way to differentiate their offerings, thereby reducing the cost of solutions that once were custom-built.
  • With MOSS 2007, Microsoft provides an integrated product suite that provides at least basic capabilities in the six core ECM functional components, along with portal and search capabilities. The fact that it is built on the Microsoft stack will appeal to a broad range of organizations for whom Microsoft is a strategic partner.
  • Microsoft has gained fast adoption by exploiting the synergies of integration with Office personal productivity applications, Exchange, Windows Vista and SQL Server, and by offering WSS to anyone with a Windows Server Client Access License (CAL) at no additional cost. Would-be users do not have to go through the onerous process of building a case for return on investment in order to get the budget for a content management application.


  • While MOSS 2007 has attracted interest and gained some traction as a records management tool, a WCM solution and a platform for building CEVAs, it still has to mature in these areas. BPM and imaging are the most notable of the many partner technologies required to rapidly develop and deploy solutions.
  • Feedback regarding large, decentralized deployments of MOSS 2007 indicates a need for improvements in scalability and in management and replication functionality. Microsoft has begun providing tools and published guidance to address these challenges.
  • Microsoft must continue to ramp up support, training and partner certification as there is a clear "skills gap" between the demand SharePoint has created and the supply of well-trained implementation personnel.

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