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Set up a CI/CD pipeline for your Yeoman generator package

We receive a notification that there’s a pull request to review on our Yeoman generator project. We discuss the proposed changes as a team, eventually merge the new feature(s) into the master branch, and close the pull request. Done … right?

Not quite. The merge triggers our automated CI/CD pipeline, which consistently builds and delivers our package to Team Services and NPM feeds.



If you’re interested in how we configured our Yeoman – generator-team-services-extension pipeline or looking for options to configure your own, you should read on.

Let’s walk through the configuration of our pipeline.



We start with the continuous integration build, made up of eight steps.




1 Get Sources SNAGHTML5776d6b Get the relevant sources from github.
2 Set package version to build number SNAGHTML56fd340 Set the package version to match the build number for consistency.
3 npm install SNAGHTML5706ca1 Install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json.
4 npm test SNAGHTML570f3d3SNAGHTML5ef3de7 Run the package test script, as defined under “scripts” in package.json. We’re using istanbul to track statement, branch, and function coverage.
5 Publish test Results SNAGHTML57175f3SNAGHTML5cc0201 Publish the test results, to include them in the build report as shown.
6 Publish Code Coverage Results SNAGHTML571f63fSNAGHTML5ccaab5 Publish the code coverage results, to include them in the build report as shown.
7 WhiteSource SNAGHTML5727e1c Scan and detect security vulnerabilities, problematic OSS licenses and quality issues. See Manage your open source usage and security in your pipeline for details.
8 Copy Publish Artifact: drop SNAGHTML5733fd6 Copy and publish the build artifacts for future reference and to be used by the release part of the pipeline.



Next we continue with continuous delivery (CD), made up of three environments.

Continuous Delivery is the ability to use the output from the CI to build and deploy the new known good build to one or more environments automatically ( ). There is a subtle difference between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. The latter is to a single environment. A small team might only implement Continuous Deployment because each change goes directly to production. Continuous Delivery is moving code through several environments, ultimately ending up in production, which may include automated UI, load and performance tests and approvals along the way. – Extract from DevOps - Applying DevOps to a Software Development Project

imagePrivate PreRelease

The environment with four tasks is triggered after a successful release creation. image Both the pre-deployment and post-deployment approvals are automatic, ensuring that the development team is always working with the latest version. There’s no manual intervention.




1 PowerShell Script for Rename private.npmrc to .npmrc SNAGHTML7060517 We rename the private.npmrc file to .npmrc. NOTE - It appears that the npm publish task only works with .npmrc for VSTS package feed.
2 Replace tokens in .npmrc SNAGHTML706742cSNAGHTML6ecde5e We use tokenization to hide the full registry name in the OSS repo. This task replaces the __Registry__ token in the .npmrc file with the value of the environment variable Registry.
3 npm publish SNAGHTML706e13e Publish the package to the private Team Services registry.
4 PowerShell Script Promote PreRelease SNAGHTML7075b6f We promote the package in the Team Services registry to PreRelease using the Set-PackageQuality.ps1 PowerShell script, by René van Osnabrugge.


imagePrivate Release

The environment with only one task is triggered after a successful deployment to the Private PreRelease environment. image The pre-deployment approvals mandate that one of the specified users approve the release, to ensure that a high quality bar can be met. Users typically include the project lead and program manager.

SNAGHTML70d0091 image


1 PowerShell Script Promote Release SNAGHTML6dae924 We promote the package in the Team Services registry to Release using the Set-PackageQuality.ps1 PowerShell script, by René van Osnabrugge.

imagePublic Release

The environment with three tasks is triggered after a successful deployment to the Private Release environment. image The pre-deployment approvals mandate that all of the specified users approve the release, to validate that the (definition of done) is met. Users typically include the project lead, program manager, and product owner.




1 Replace tokens in npmjs.npmrc SNAGHTML6dd4c87SNAGHTML6dc5120 We use tokenization to hide the access token in the OSS repo. This task replaces the __NPMJSTOKEN__ token in the npmjs.npmrc file with the value of the environment variable NPMJSTOKEN.
2 PowerShell Script set npm config userconfig SNAGHTML6de7e51 The inline PowerShell script sets the npmrcPath variable to the npmjs.npmrc configuration file. It directs the npm publish task to use the npmjs.npmrc configuration file.
3 npm publish SNAGHTML6df3ef1 Publish the package to the public registry.


That’s it!

Now that you have an understanding of how our pipeline works, you should explore how you can configure your continuous integration and delivery pipeline by #RubDevOpsOnIt.

Other pipelines examples


Reference Information

DevOps - Applying DevOps to a Software Development Project, Generate Team Services extension starter kit with the Yeoman generator VSTS-EXT, Manage your open source usage and security in your pipeline, NPM CLI Commands, Roadmap for the generator-team-services-extension, Why we broke generator-vsts-ext and created generator-team-services-extension

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