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Analyze Huge DataSets with New MapReduce for Windows Azure

logo_msrAn iterative MapReduce runtime for Windows Azure, code-named Daytona from Microsoft Research, allows laboratories, small groups, and individual researchers to use the power of the cloud to analyze data sets on gigabytes or terabytes of data and run large-scale machine learning algorithms on dozens or hundreds of compute cores.

Project Daytona on Window Azure is now available, along with a deployment guide, developer and user documentation, and code samples for both data analysis algorithms and client application. This community technical preview (CTP) release consists of a ZIP file that includes our Windows Azure cloud service installation package along with the documentation and sample codes.

Project Daytona is designed to support a wide class of data analytics and machine-learning algorithms. It can scale to hundreds of server cores for analysis of distributed data. Project Daytona was developed as part of the eXtreme Computing Group’s Cloud Research Engagement Initiative.

The download is available at Project Daytona: Iterative MapReduce on Windows Azure.

Bruce D. KyleISV Architect Evangelist | Microsoft Corporation
