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Write your own content on MSDN

MSDN has now become a Wiki!

Well its not completely a Wiki, we've added a community content section at the bottom of each page. I know that the MSDN guys have been trialling this for a while, but it looks like this has now gone mainstream. Personally I think this is a fantastic advance for documenting our platform. Just think, every time someone learns something new about one of our API, tools, ... they can share it with the world. This should be a great way to increase the number of samples, descriptions of gotchas, links to tutorials, KB articles, related hotfixes (in the unlikely event of a bug :-).

I'd love to see some of the interop definitions moving from onto MSDN - don't get me wrong, is a fantastic resource and I have a lot to thank the contributors to that site for, just that I'm lazy and would love to see the docs and definitions on the same page - ok, I'll settle for a link at the bottom of the page.

For more information see:

  Introducing the MSDN WDK Wiki

For an example, see:

  PropertyGrid Class

From the home page we can see how much content is being added by the community:

Community Content Blocks: 2307

Community Content Edits: 3751

Topics with Community Content: 1937

Contributors: 1030

so it will be really interesting to watch how this takes off.

There is even an RSS feed that will keep you updated with all the community additions - although I suspect that this might start get a little to busy to keep up with.
