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OMS Syntax post series: #1 Performance

This is a series of posts, which I will update and add to often (I hope), basically I've ended up with a OneNote of syntax that I know works in certain key areas of OMS.

Looking for % used space (this example and all the rest, require you to add the correct Perf counter in OMS -Settings)

Type=Perf (CounterName="% Used Space") | Measure min (CounterValue) by Computer

Looking for Free Space % on Widows machines, shown filtered by Computer

Type=Perf (ObjectName=LogicalDisk) (CounterName="% Free Space") | Measure min (CounterValue) by Computer

Taken a stage further by using a "as FreeSpace" column label and also sorting ASC (ASCending)

Type=Perf (ObjectName=LogicalDisk) (CounterName="% Free Space") | Measure min(CounterValue) As FreeSpace by Computer | Sort FreeSpace asc 

This final version I create a DAILY Alert from to show me all the servers with less than 15% Free Space, it also shows the instance name which is the disk letter such as C:, D: etc...

Type=Perf (ObjectName=LogicalDisk) (CounterName="% Free Space") | Measure min(CounterValue) As FreeSpace by Computer, InstanceName | Sort FreeSpace asc | Where FreeSpace<15

Example Alert: