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Looking for OCS 2007 R2 voice training for your telecom staff?

If you are looking for some voice specific training for your telecom team for OCS R2 there is an unique offering over at  Tom Cross, the CEO of OCSForum, has setup hosted sandbox labs to test your voice configurations as well as in person training and online training.



Sample of Live Online training


Accompanying animations that show OCS voice scenarios

Here are some sample course outlines:


OCS 101 course with 5 day virtual lab:

Explore Microsoft’s OCS-Office Communications Server features, concepts, call flows, configurations and other issues for evaluation and implementation.
·        Review the fundamentals of IP-Internet Protocol and platforms required for high performance SIP-Session Initiation Protocol, IT-Internet Telephony or VoIP-Voice over Internet Protocol systems.  This includes soft switches, gateways, routers, services and other critical components.
·        Explore business applications and opportunities.  Review what customers are buying today and why they are buying.  In addition, emerging “killer applications” will be explained in depth.
·        Quickly grasp complex subjects such as H.323, MGCP-Media Gateway Control Protocol and SIP.  As SIP-Session Initiation Protocol emerges are the key VoIP communications protocol, discover how this technology will impact all voice communications systems from key, PBX-Private Branch eXchange, IP-Internet Protocol-PBX, hosted, managed and other systems.
·        Understand basic and advanced SIP-VoIP concepts features.  From hosted, managed, IAS-Integrated Access Service, and IP-PBX, quickly understands “what’s-what” for different customer applications and business models.
·        Probe the issues behind Integrated and Converged Access.  Understand when and why organizations need a converged access solution.
·        Learn why “network assessment” is critical to any SIP-VoIP implementation and why this step cannot be overlooked.
·        Address the issue of QoS-Quality of Service by overcoming jitter, echo, noise and other network problems.  Review the role of RTCP-Realtime Transport Control Protocol and other tools to monitor and maintain high performance VoIP networks.
·        Understand the functions of the new communications “toolbar.”  See how the benefits of “unified communications” as they improve business operations.
·        Assess the Top-10 issues why SIP trunking and hosted VoIP is more than “dial-tone,” and how it can represent change in the business and business model of even the smallest enterprises.  Discuss and explore new ways to improve fundamental business processes.
·        Explore how a SIP-VoIP call is processed and review potential security attacks.   Discover how SPIT-Spam over Internet Telephony, VOMIT-Voice Over Misconfigured Internet Telephony, DOS-Denial Of Service and other terrorist attacks can target not just data, but voice packets.
·        Review SIP and SIP Trunking and all the implications and applications from TCO-Total Cost of Ownership to QoS-Quality of Service.  SIP Trunking is the most profound new form of telecommunications since POTS-Plain Old Telephone Service. 


Check it out a 60 second sample of what the animated graphics that accompany the course:

Here is a sample of the OCS training:



OCS R2 labs (can be in person or via the web):


Sample lab course:

OCS and Voice Integration

·        Integration with PBX systems such as Avaya, Nortel, Mitel, ShoreTel, etc.
·        Media Gateways
·        PSTN-Public Switched Telephone Network Integration
·        SIP-Session Initiation Protocol Trunking
·        Call reports and call logs
·        Call testing


To view the agendas visit here.