Vista Exam 70-620 (TS: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring) is live
Check it, you can register for 70-620 now. Here's the prep guide.
This is the core Vista exam (affectionately known as 'big vista') that, when passed, earns an Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification...which is the foundation or pre-requisite for Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Support or MCITP: Consumer Support.
For those of you who aren't clear on why there is no MCSE or MCDST mentioned in relation to Vista.... this is because we've CHANGED the structure for certifications for all new MSFT technology releases. The MCTS level is the technology series, to validate that you know how MS technology works... the MCITP series demonstrates that you know how to TCB* using the technology. The whole idea, here, is to make the certifications more specific (so employers understand exactly what you know how to do) and make the exam paths more succinct (so less time/money for you to earn the certification you need). For more info, you can review the VIsta cert live meeting on the Vista upgrade page .
*Take care of business
January 05, 2007
When will it show up on my transcript? There's always a delay and confusion with Prometric and VUE when it comes to beta exams. I wonder if those organizations run MS software.Anonymous
January 06, 2007
I still haven't received the e-mail for the exam's result. Is it normal? According to your information, I should have already received it, because the beta period expired some days ago and the exam is now "live".Anonymous
January 07, 2007
Me too. I am very anxious and go to VUE web site at least 2 times a day but no good news or bad news for me yet. So do you know when will we be getting our results from Microsoft ?Anonymous
January 09, 2007
Don't know when you'll have results--but I do know it is a known issue that our teams are working on!
January 11, 2007
hi, i'm on my way to complete MCSE requirements. 70-620 is a client exam. Can i pass 70-620 as a client exam? (instead of 70-270)Anonymous
January 11, 2007
January 15, 2007
I recieved the exam result last Saturday and i PASSED!!! :) So that makes me one of the first MCTS : Windows Vista - Configuration certified in the world doesn't it? :) Regards, HelmerAnonymous
January 17, 2007
When will the prep guide for beta exam 071-623 be available?Anonymous
January 17, 2007
70-620 is an elective for MCSE on Server 2003 correct? If i upgrade my MCDST using 70-621 I am in effect gaining MCT:Vista - so does this still mean I have cover my elective AND upgrade my MCDST using one exam?Anonymous
May 16, 2007
hello I have passed 70-620 exam now i want to give MCSE exams so is thr any need to take 70-270..Anonymous
September 05, 2009
please give me the PDF of the exam 70-620