Some things you might like to know.
If you are a Microsoft Certified professional, there are some things you might like to know. We have heard from you, over time, that the main reason you get certified is for career and skills development, so we look for ways the MCP program can help you with those things. In a short bit, you'll have access to a few new things for MCPs (or MCTSs or MCSEs, or whatever you are) that will hopefully help you along those lines.
One of those things is a personal landing page on, because you are an MCP. MVPs have something similar--check out Frank's profile for an idea.
These are Community Profiles, and basically you'll be able to log-in to the MCP site, set up your profile, and then decide who can see it. You can set visibility to 'public' or something similar--in which case you'll get a URL of your own that you can add to your resume or share with people to show your connection to Microsoft (if that's something you happen to be proud of). If you do set visibility to public, you will be included in a searchable database off of ('find an MCP') so employers or contacts can find you by name or location or skill set. I hope you will think this is good.
Your profile can include things like:
- your technology expertise
- a tiny but nonetheless striking photo of yourself
- a list of your certifications (MSFT or whatever else...Cisco? Certified Barista? Certified Dungeon Master? Tell it, son!)
- your bio and links to your blog or site
- technical accomplishments
- a logo (in a bizarre twist you can't actually upload your MCP logo to this tool without resizing it--it is the wrong size. Yes, thanks, we're very proud of that)
- language proficiencies
- contact info
Your profile can not include things like:
- nudie pics
More soon. Yours from the Kent Regional Justice Center*,
*Did I tell you I'm at jury duty?
October 18, 2007
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October 18, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 18, 2007
May be off topic... but what's going on with the certification planner? I used to have a planner in there for MCSA... now they've dissappeared?!?!Anonymous
October 18, 2007
Willie - Hopefully this screwiness is a sign that they are working on the certification planner right now, and the new-gen certs will soon be appearing...? Trika - Sounds interesting! But I must say this is hilarious: "a logo (in a bizarre twist you can't actually upload your MCP logo to this tool without resizing it--it is the wrong size. Yes, thanks, we're very proud of that)" Seems fairly typical for Microsoft's website coordination issues, though. ;-DAnonymous
October 18, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 18, 2007
Hmm..are they working on the MCP page right now :( I can't logon. hehe you're at Jury Duty!?!? Wauww....Anonymous
October 18, 2007
Trika, I'm not sure if you're the one i should e-mail but on this page : the links just above the example transcript are pointing to the microsoft owa environment :)Anonymous
October 18, 2007
Hello, this just in. new things in MCP benefits are now available online. Great! In addition to the CommunityAnonymous
October 19, 2007
This. Is. Awesome.Anonymous
October 19, 2007
I had jury duty a few months ago, and had a huge car wreck on the way there when somebody ran a red light! Not the best way to get out of jury duty! ;-)Anonymous
October 24, 2007
Are you OK, Alice?