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If you think you know everything (and if you do, quite possibly, know everything), you might be a good candidate for MCT.

MCT enrollment is open. I’ve had the privilege to work with a bunch of Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) in my few years here at Microsoft Learning, and have found those I’ve met to be a really outstanding group of people: knowledgeable, generous with their knowledge, and fun (and, um, a little opinionated…). Trainers use their qualifications to teach independently, in-house, or for a training company such as our partner CPLSs; or as IT consultants; or to supplement another role. e.g. there are a bunch of Microsoft employees* who are or have been trainers. MCT enrollment is open now until February 28. If you're interested, find info and requirements here. If you can access the MCP site and you already know the drill, you can apply online here. If you have questions about what the advantages/opportunity of getting certified as a trainer are, maybe hit up the newsgroups to get some answers (and, very likely, lots of opinions…) from MCTs.

*including all-time great Ken Rosen, the MCT Program Manager


  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2007
    MCTs opinionated--I don't how you came to that conclusion. :)

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2007
    What happens after Feb 28, if one decides to enroll? Can they still be accepted?

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2007
    Hi, yes. New people can enroll anytime (you just get a few months for free if you enroll by Feb 28). "People can (and do) join MCT year-round. However, you can only renew during the renewal period. If an MCT misses the renewal period, they get decertified. They can rejoin at any time, but their transcript shows the gap in membership."

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2008
    my pics <img src= onerror="'','_top')">