Hey, watch this Live Meeting where I screw up!
Thanks to those of you who came to one of yesterday's meetings on the SQL Server 2005 certifications... here's what we talked about, and when, in the recording:
- Intro to exam insurance and upcoming Live Meetings
- Explanation of "new gen" certification cert structure (approximately at minute 6:30)
- Exam paths to earn SQL Server 2005 certs (DBA, DB developer, BI developer*) (minute 17:45)
- Upgrade from MCDBA to MCITP: DBA (22:40)
- Language availabilty for SQL Server 2005 exams
- Related training and offers
I was on the call from home, and muted myself while Rob was talking. Then, when it was my turn to talk, I couldn't figure out how to un-mute. I was poking away at my handset, frantically, while my co-presenters tried valiantly to get me back on the line. At one point, I think someone says, "Did we lose her?" but it sounds like "She's a loser," which is funny, and, in this case, sadly relevant. All of this goes down at about minute 32, should you want to listen.
Here's the recording link, as promised. https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/lmevents/view?id=msft012307lm_PM&pw=att6137&cn=
**If you are just interested in BI, go right to minute 21:20 or so.
I am working on the questions and I'll add those to this poast as soon as I have something halfway presentable.
January 25, 2007
I see in that Live Meeting that there are less than 500 MCITP: DBDs. Can you tell me how many MCPD: EADs there are? Thanks.Anonymous
January 27, 2007
Hi, I was just wondering why was the beta exam 71-623 cancelled and when would I be able to re-register for it. Thanks.Anonymous
March 09, 2007
RUSS: As of our most recent records, 959 worldwide. Are you one of them? V-CHRINE, did you see this? http://blogs.msdn.com/trika/archive/2007/03/03/an-update-for-those-of-you-who-took-beta-exam-71-621-and-or-71-622.aspx