Happy Birthday, Ken! (or, Office 2007 cert recording)
Recording of yesterday's Live Meeting on 2007 Office System Certifications for IT pros and devs can be found here . Fast forward to minute 6:45 to skip all the introductory bits.
Something I enjoyed in the meeting was when Rob starts to say "Microsoft folks" but instead came out with "Microfolks." I zoned out and was imagining tiny, tiny workers rushing about, swiping miniature blue and orange badges to get in to doll-house sized conference rooms, drinking coffee out of rice paper-thin, orange polystyrene, all with little masks of harried consternation on their tiny, tiny faces.
In other news, it was trainer-mania around here the last few days with MCTs on campus for a summit meeting. Nice to meet you, Clinton from Dallas and Gary from Chicago and Eichel from Stuttgart... and nice to see some familiar faces. I enjoyed hearing about the hard time you guys gave Ken Rosen (MCT Program Manager and All-Time Great, for non-MCT readers); sounded very funny.
April 24, 2007
It was very nice to see you again Trika, during the MCTSummit! Hope to see you again at Tech Ed (If I can make it to the Influencer's party, I'll share a nice conversation with you!)Anonymous
April 26, 2007
Ken was in pain when his Bruce poster came up missing!