Guess what is delicious?
What is delicious is Segura Viudas Aria Pinot Noir Brut Cava. My manager (her name is Deborah and she's a champ) gave us each a bottle to celebrate the holidays. But it is hard to get, here; can't find anywhere to buy it. If you are reading this, and if you happen to be the proprietor of the Segura Viudas winery in Torrelavit, Spain, please send me a bottle. Thank you.
January 13, 2007
This might help: :) Love your filing category on this one, btw.Anonymous
January 15, 2007
Err, I meant to direct you to the distributor at the bottom of the link. Not just give the same URL again :)Anonymous
January 15, 2007
OK, I sent them an e-mail. I'll let you know what happens (I bet you are absolutely on the edge of your seat...????!!)Anonymous
January 16, 2007
I am as is the rest of the blog-reading world :)Anonymous
January 24, 2007
So my sleuthing has come to naught. After going through the distributors above, I special ordered a bottle. I was so optimistic! so naive! But when I went to pick it up, it was a different type of Segura Pinot Noir Cava, and I was crushed, like a grape about to be made into Cava, Cava that is apparently not available in Seattle, Wash., USA. But really, I'm not crushed. But really, I am still trying to find it. Stay strong.Anonymous
January 24, 2007
Don't give up...Was it a black bottle with pink lettering?Anonymous
February 01, 2007
Using live search ;) search on the page for: Segura Viudas Aria 'Pinot Noir' Brut CavaAnonymous
February 08, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 16, 2007
The comment has been removed