Free E-Learning for Windows Server "Longhorn"
We're at beta 3 for Longhorn and MIcrosoft Learning just published five E-Learning clinics that should help you get familiar. The best part is that these are free for a while so customers (you) have excellent quality training to get things started with the new features. Check it .
April 25, 2007
When you press the button to start download, you will get 404 error. Remove the ".lnk" at the end of the address URL and press enter and you will be OK.Anonymous
April 25, 2007
I can fix the beta download, but I can't fix the E-Learning problem. I got the following message when I try to start E-Learning 5936 and 5937. The following file could not be loaded by the XML Parser: viewer/LMS/LMSDataModel.xml (translated) "The requested resource does not have valid data."Anonymous
April 25, 2007
Use E-Learning Offline Player and it works now.Anonymous
April 25, 2007
Just downloading the beta 3 of Longhorn, hopefully this version will come with the admin pack that fully works with Vista (Unlike the admin pack 2003 on Vista). Well, I'm excited :) -KenAnonymous
April 26, 2007
Early this morning, Trika from Microsoft’s learning marketing folks published the link for the free...Anonymous
April 26, 2007
please send for me free eboook.very thanks.Anonymous
April 26, 2007
the download started very good at 500+Kbps, went down to 100Kbps so I had to close it and now it doesnt let me download again.......Microsoft.......Anonymous
April 26, 2007
looks like there are a LOT of people downloading....Anonymous
April 26, 2007
Getting this error now...any ideas ? just flooded ? Error No Product SKU's were found for the information you provided. Please verify your information and try again. Error Code: 1010Anonymous
April 26, 2007
Which clinic are you getting the error on...? I was able to open one of them yesterday.Anonymous
April 26, 2007
I've found that if you get the "Error No Product SKU's were found for the information you provided. Please verify your information and try again. Error Code: 1010" To either refresh the page or go thru the links again (had that error yesterday, went thru the links and I was able to get to the page, not sure why it happend though) -KenAnonymous
April 27, 2007
There are only four courses, not five.Anonymous
April 27, 2007
Ive got this error, for hours "Error No Product SKU's"...finally, i gave up and i tried my wife's passport id, and it worked like a charm, no idea what SKU means anyways :) Im not sure, if this one is a public beta, why not publishing the link as is, instead of having to login to ge itAnonymous
April 27, 2007
Ah, Andy, how things change. There are NOW four courses listed....!Anonymous
May 03, 2007
Please send me Free E-Learning for Windows Server "Longhorn"Anonymous
July 27, 2007
Any ideas how to fix the "file could not be loaded by the XML Parser:viewer/LMS/LMSDataModel.xml. ?? I know it's not my profile.