For those of you tracking my travel plans: Orlando, Fla., USA, June 4-8
I'm going to TechEd US in Orlando this summer. I felt really lucky to go to last year's TechEd in Boston and TechEd in Barcelona (you might recall my in-depth coverage of restroom drama?), and I'm really pleased to be going again. I'll poast details on certification-related activities at the event as soon as they're final... in the meantime here are some things the community team has up and running already.
- Birds of a Feather sessions... submit a BOF topic for the community to consider discussing at the conference.
- When I first started my blog, way, way back in November '06, I submitted it to the Virtual Side for TechEd Barcelona. But then, when I realized they'd posted it for all the attendees to see... I kind of freaked out. I was terrified that someone could, like, find my blog, and like, read it, or whatever. But my shyness is gone! Come read my blog! I'm posting bad news, using bad grammar, left and right! I recommend it! So, help people find your blog on TechEd Bloggers (you don't have to go to the event to get on TechEd Bloggers). We'd like you to hype up your certs, too, so post your cert logo to your blog homepage and we'll give you some kind of... something at TechEd US.
- We just had a meeting about teched community stuff and I hear that TechEd Connect is cool, and already busy. Check it: After you register, opt in to Tech·Ed Connect and create an online profile to network before, during, and after the conference with speakers, Microsoft staff, partners, and other attendees.
Is it just me, or is June still really far away?
February 16, 2007
If you ARE, for some reason, actually tracking my travel plans, please stop it. Some might find that creepy.Anonymous
April 06, 2007
My Microsoft Learning Neighbor to the North (NTTN) colleague, Jennifer, is a guest bloggette on Microsoft'sAnonymous
April 06, 2007
Does reading your email notifications of your blog posts detailing your travel plans count as tracking your travel plans?Anonymous
April 06, 2007
Hey, Peter. A solid question. After some serious, heads-down consultation with a 50-member board of HR and legal representatives, it was determined that the following activities (a. Reading e-mail notifications and b. reading blog posts) do not count as tracking and are therefore totally un-creepy. PS, this is not a life-saving device, too.Anonymous
April 06, 2007
You're just loved... Soon MS will supply you with Secret Service like agents to follow you around, proxy your mail, and fetch your coffee. It is actually a good thing!Anonymous
May 17, 2007
May 17, 2007