E-learning, practice test offers to help MCDBAs earn SQL Server 2005 certifications
We'll have a page on Microsoft.com about this soon, but the offers are available now so I didn’t want to wait to get the word out... plus I wanted to poast this info for everyone attending tomorrow morning's SQL Server 2005 Live Meeting.
- Savings on related e-learning: Register by March 30, 2007 to receive 15 percent off all of the following collections on www.microsoftelearning.com. Use promotion code DBA5 at check-out. Subscriptions are valid for one year from date of purchase.
2. Savings on MeasureUp Practice Tests: Save 30 percent on practice test 70-431 and/or 70-447 when you purchase by April 30.
3. SQL Server 2005 instructor led courses from worldwide Certified Partners for Learning Solutions. Check to see if there’s something in your area: Find SQL Server 2005 training offers.
January 22, 2007
Microsoft Learning recently introduced this new product ( Microsoft Official Distance Learning ) thatAnonymous
January 23, 2007
The blog says, there will be a page on Microsoft.com about this soon, but the offers are available now