Certification help for those of you who work in a Microsoft Partner organization
There are special offers set up to help Microsoft Partner companies get skilled to deliver and work with Microsoft technologies (and validate those skills with certification)—if you work in a partner org you might well have access to free practice tests and savings on certification exams. Talk to the person in your company who is responsible for the Microsoft Partner Program membership—or check out this page for more info: https://partner.microsoft.com/40029197?msp_id=offersummary
I believe you’ll have to associate yourself to your organization in order to get the deals: https://partner.microsoft.com/global/program/managemembership/newenrollment
January 25, 2007
I've tried the link but I'm getting 404, before and after signing in.Anonymous
January 29, 2007
which link is giving you the 404? I'll fwd to the partner teamAnonymous
January 30, 2007
It's this one https://partner.microsoft.com/40029197?msp_id=offersummary CheersAnonymous
March 09, 2007
Hey, Gareth. The link is working for me and unfortunately all I can do is point you to the Parnter Website help desk: https://support.microsoft.com/common/survey.aspx?scid=sw;en;1216&showpage=1&sd=vap&ws=partner It is a differnet org and different site from my group so I am not even sure what PERSON to point you to. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Ridiculous!