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Upgrading from preview to GA version of IoT Edge

The wait is finally over with todays announcement that Azure IoT Edge is now out of preview and in GA.  The new installation process is quite different than it was in preview and there are detailed instructions available for the wide variety of supported platform. But you may hit some speedbumps if you install the GA version over the top of the preview version.

The Problem

The IoT Edge runtime should automatically instantiate the edgeAgent module to orchestrate the deployment and lifecycle of the other modules. For some reason this wasn't happening so  running the "iotedge list" command returned a depressing blank result. This occurred on both my windows and Linux dev machines.

 iotedge list

Looking at the logs for the IoT Edge service (iotedged) revealed a not overly helpful error.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-WinEvent -ea SilentlyContinue  -FilterHashtable @{ProviderName= "iotedged";
>> LogName = "application"; StartTime = [datetime]::Today} |  select TimeCreated, Message | Sort-Object -Descending

TimeCreated Message
----------- -------
28/06/2018 4:54:16 PM info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Updating identity for module $edgeAgent
28/06/2018 4:54:19 PM warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:
28/06/2018 4:54:19 PM warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred. 
28/06/2018 4:53:59 PM info: edgelet_http::logging -- [mgmt] - - - [2018-06-28 06:53:59.809207100 UTC] "GET /modules?...
28/06/2018 4:54:16 PM info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status
28/06/2018 4:54:16 PM info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Creating and starting edge runtime module edgeAgent
28/06/2018 4:54:19 PM warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- caused by: Conflict with current operation
28/06/2018 4:55:16 PM info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Updating identity for module $edgeAgent
28/06/2018 4:55:19 PM warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:
28/06/2018 4:55:19 PM warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.

The Solution

It seems that the existence of the preview versions of the edgeAgent images in the local Docker registry was the source of my grief. A spring clean was therefore required.

Windows (Linux containers) Fix

  1. Start a powershell as Adminstrator

  2. Stop the IoT Edge Service

     Stop-Service iotedge
  3. Create and run  a batch file to delete the existing images and containers

      @echo off
    FOR /f "tokens=*" %%i IN ('docker ps -aq') DO docker rm %%i
    FOR /f "tokens=*" %%i IN ('docker images --format "{{.ID}}"') DO docker rmi %%i -f
  4. Restart the IoT Edge service and give it a minute to pull down the images

     Start-Service iotedge
  5. List the running modules to make sure all is good

     PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> iotedge list
    edgeAgent running Up 41 minutes

Linux Fix

  1. Stop the IoT Edge Service

     sudo systemctl stop iotedge
  2. Run commands to  delete the existing images and containers

     rm $(docker ps -a -q) 
    rmi $(docker images -q) -f
  3. Restart the IoT Edge service and give it a minute to pull down the images

     sudo systemctl start iotedge
  4. List the running modules to make sure all is good

     sudo iotedge list
    edgeAgent running Up 41 minutes
  5. Check the logs of the edgeAgent container to check it it happy

     sudo iotedge logs edgeAgent


  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2018
    Thanks, this saved me some time and headaches! :)
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2018
    Start PowerShell as Administrator and pasteStop-Service iotedgeor visit our page.