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Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Steve Riley - Fortified data center in your future: Build it now and they will come

Relax for a moment. Let your mind wander to thoughts of your corporate network-with its myriad authentication schemes, its haphazard collection of client computers in various states of (non) conformance, its proliferation of access methods, its data centers with too many ways in and out. Feel like you want to just burn it all down and start over? Well, perhaps you should-and when you do, you can implement something that’s simpler, more secure, well managed, and less expensive. Over the years, Steve Riley has hinted at this idea, advocating the demise of the traditional corporate network, with its no longer useful distinction between "inside" and "outside". Instead, organizations should move toward using the Internet as their infrastructure, where all clients and a physically and electronically fortified data center live "live on the 'net." The question, then, is how to build this data center? Effective security and management are absolutely essential to realize this vision. Steve will show how combining the Microsoft ForeFront family of security products with the System Center family of management solutions provides the necessary foundation for building your data center of the future-today. Don't delay, because your business competitors are already doing it!