Stupid Tricks with REG_BINARY Registry Data
This is one of those 'duh' moments. [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('HIVE', $computer).OpenSubKey($subKey) returns REG_BINARY data as an array of [byte].
To convert to [string]:
[string]::Join($null, ($regBinaryData | % { [char][int]$_; }));
Working from the inside out, we take the [byte[]] array and toss each one through a foreach loop. Each $_ byte gets cast as [int], then re-cast as [char] (because [char] can cast [int], but PowerShell insists on treating [byte]65 as [string] for some reason.) So we now have a [char[]] array. Next, we use [string]::Join($delimiter, $array) to collapse it all into a single [string].
This actually gives away the punchline for the next problem I faced. I needed to find the [array]::IndexOf() a given character. Assuming the $regBinaryData contains the letter 'a', I tried the usual:
[array]::IndexOf($regBinaryData, 'a');
No luck. Next, I tried casting it to [byte], but that didn't work. Turns out, I had to first cast the [string] 'a' to [char], then to [byte].
[array]::UndexOf($regBinaryData, [byte][char]'a');
Like I said, "Duh" moments.
- Anonymous
September 01, 2011
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