Scanning for Binaries and Version
I need to list the binaries installed to a folder and below for the software I’m testing. I can do that with Get-Command on each one, but this allows me to do it recursively and automagically.
function Get-LocalBinaries {
[string[]]$hostname = @(),
[string]$logPath = $null,
if ($help) {
Get-LocalBinaries [-hostname <string[,string...]>] [-help]
Gets all file paths and version numbers for all .exes and .dlls under the specified
path for the specified host(s), saves as file <hostname>.csv in folder '$env:userprofile'
(%userprofile% in cmd.exe).
-hostname <string[,string...]>]
List of hostname(s) to scan.
-path <string>
Folder to scan (recursively).
Show this text and return nothing.
"@ | more;
if (!$path) {
Write-Warning "-path not specified, required. Returning.";
$path = $path -replace ':', '$';
foreach ($myHostname in $hostname) {
if (!$myHostname) { continue; }
Write-Progress 'Scanning' $myHostname;
$logPath = "$home\$myHostname.csv";
$myPath = \\$myHostname\$path;
if (!(Test-Path $myPath)) {
Write-Warning "Unable to access $myPath. Skipping.";
dir -path $myPath -Recurse -Include *.exe, *.dll | select-object -property @{
name = 'hostname'; expression = { $myHostname }
}, @{
name = 'path'; expression = { $_.fullname -replace "\\\\$myHostname\\d\$", "d:" }
}, @{
name = 'version'; expression = { (get-command $_).fileversioninfo.productversion }
} | export-csv -NoTypeInfo $logPath;
Write-Verbose -Verbose "$logPath created";
Pardon the spacing - trying to figure out a way to nicely post text in this blog is challenging.