Getting Web Proxy Settings
We have a lab of hosts that have proxy exclusion lists set at various times in the lifecycle of the lab, so they have slightly varying values.
We'll build on the REG_BINARY to [string] trick with this:
function Get-WinHttpProxy {
param ( [string[]]$computer = '.' );
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computer);
$subKey= "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections" -replace '\\', '\\';
$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey($subkey);
$proxyServer = $exclusionList = $null;
if ($regKey) {
$data = $regKey.GetValue('WinHttpSettings');
if (!$data -or $data.Count -le 16) {
Write-Warning "$computer insufficent proxy data returned";
} else {
$data1 = $data[16 .. ($data.Count-1)];
$firstNull = [array]::IndexOf($data1, [byte]0);
if ($firstNull -le 1) {
Write-Warning "$computer incorrect prxy data returned";
} else {
$proxyServer = [string]::Join("",($data1[0 .. ($firstNull-2)]| % {[char][int]$_}));
if ($data1.Count -lt ($firstNull+3)) {
} else {
$exclusionList = [string]::Join("",($data1[($firstNull+3) .. ($data1.Count-1)]| % {[char][int]$_}));
$computer | Select-Object -Property @{
name = 'Computer';
expression = { $computer; }
}, @{
name = 'ProxyServer';
expression = { $proxyServer; }
}, @{
name = 'ExclusionList';
expression = { $exclusionList; }
August 13, 2011
Hey! NIce script, I used it for my daily uses! I also use it to configure it with proxy sites. I get the proxy sites from a proxy list like http://www.AnonTux.comAnonymous
February 04, 2015
So where/how did you figure out the data structure for the REG_BINARY blob stored in WinHttpSettings? How did you determine the first byte was useless? Or that the 1st byte should never be a null? Or that the total array size should be greater than 16?Anonymous
February 04, 2015
In the intervening years, I've been better about attributing 'deep magic' stuff like that to the proper authors / URLs. Sadly, this was back when I was using this blog primarily as a personal knowledge base, so the fact that I found it useful was more important than how / where I found it. My apologies for my poor cross-referencing.