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Two Microsoft Style Guides updated: Amharic and Turkish

We’ve updated two of our Style Guides – Amharic and Turkish. New versions can now be downloaded from the Microsoft Language Portal Style Guide download page.

Style Guides are intended to provide Microsoft-specific language guidelines for major style, tone, grammar, punctuation or other language issues. You can reference the Style Guides to localize applications that run under Windows or integrate with other Microsoft products - or as a great source for localization guidelines for your language.

Brief details are provided below, but be sure to download and check the actual documents if you work in these languages. You’ll find more info in the “What’s New” section in each guide.


Major restructuring of the contents: expanded and updated with far more comprehensive examples to illustrate some of the common mistakes that have been made in the past.


The following topics have been updated:

  • 3. Basvuru Kaynaklari (Recommended reference material)
  • 4. Genel Yerellestirme Stili (General localization style guidelines)
  • 4.2. Standart Kullanim Örnekleri (Standardized translations)
  • 4.3. Bazi Çeviri Sorunlari (Troublesome or conflictive words)
  • 4.5. Kisaltmalar (Abbreviations & acronyms)
  • 5.1.1. Kullanici Arabirimi Ögeleri Için Kullanilan Genel Stil (How to treat UI references)

Remember, you can post feedback on the contents on our feedback page on the Microsoft Language Portal.