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Updating a Silverlight 2 Application from Beta 1 to Beta 2

On my system, I had Silverlight 2 Beta 1, Visual Studio 2008, Expression Blend 2.5 March Preview, and the Visual Studio Tools for Silverlight 2 Beta 1.  I did not uninstall anything.

  1. I installed the Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 2 for Visual Studio 2008
  2. I installed Expression Blend 2.5 June 2008 Preview
  3. I started Visual Studio 2008 and opened a Silverlight 2 Beta 1 project I was working on.  Immediately I got this message to upgrade the project:
  4. I rebuilt the project and got three compiler errors:
  5. I solved the WebClient error by referencing the System.Net library and then built again. That resulted in a few more errors:
  6. The GetStylusPoints errors (1 & 3) were a change in the API for pen input.  If you used MouseButtonEventArgs.GetStylusPoints(), now you should use MouseButtonEventArgs.StylusDevice.GetStylusPoints()
  7. The AddStylusPoints error (2) was also a change in the API for pen input.  If you used StylusPointCollection.AddStylusPoints() now you should use StylusPointCollection.Add().
  8. To solve the DownloadProgressEventHandler error (4 & 5), I used the generic event handler EventHandler<DownloadProgressEventArgs> instead of the DownloadProgressEventHandler class.
  9. To solve the DownloadProgress error (6), I changed my code to use the DownloadProgressEventArgs.Progress instead of the Image.DownloadProgress API.
  10. On the HTML page, I changed the installer URL within the object tag to
  11. On the HTML page, I changed the <object> type attribute to application/x-silverlight-2-b2
  12. I then built and ran it and it worked! A total of 15 minutes to move the application from Silverlight 2 Beta 1 to Beta 2.

Here's what the application does:

It uses the Photobucket API to search for images and videos hosted on Photobucket. I am working on a Silverlight library for Photobucket and this is my first example application using it. Search for images and/or video using the search box on the left. When you get results drag them onto the yellow surface and you can draw on top of them. No saving yet, though. And if you are wondering about the video, it's Flash. The videos on Photobucket are hosted in Flash but the API returns the URL of a player so using the HTML bridge in Silverlight, I can create an <iframe> and manipulate it from mouse events in Silverlight:

                 if (media.MediaType == "video")
                    url = media.Thumb;

                    m_videoFrame = HtmlPage.Document.CreateElement("iframe");

                    m_videoFrame.SetAttribute("src", media.Url.ToString());
                    m_videoFrame.SetAttribute("width", "300");
                    m_videoFrame.SetAttribute("height", "300");
                    m_videoFrame.SetStyleAttribute("position", "absolute");
                    m_videoFrame.SetStyleAttribute("z-index", "2");
                    double left = e.GetPosition(null).X - m_offset.X;
                    double top = e.GetPosition(null).Y - m_offset.Y;
                    m_videoFrame.SetStyleAttribute("left", Math.Floor(left).ToString() + "px");
                    m_videoFrame.SetStyleAttribute("top", Math.Floor(top).ToString() + "px");


The application ( is a bit rough around the edges but I'm using it to experiment with Silverlight 2 and my Photobucket-Silverlight library.


I'm still looking for people to help me build out the Photobucket-Silverlight library so please contact me if you're interested.


  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2008
    Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 Released Ok, as usual let’s start with the download: For the Browser here’s the

  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2008
    I&#39;ve got 17 links here tonight... Welcome to SL2B2.. :) ... Many are by the same folks, so I&#39;m

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2008
    geachte m: wat doet zilverlicht eigenlijk .mijn zoon heeft dit program op mijn pc geplaatst maar kan hem nergens vinden ik weet niet waar hij geplaatst is..als er updates voor zilverlicht zijn .kan hij niet geplaatst worden..zo word dit mij dat ik niet weet hoe dit programma werkt., wou ik het maar van de pc af doen maar dit lukt ook al niet...hoe moed ik nu verder handelen?kan u  mij dit ook vertellen wat er eigenlijk mis is gegaan..dank u voor de aandacht en hoop dat ik antwoord hier op krijg..grietje...