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Not so Random Links of the Day

Sharing with you a bunch of links to various topics that caught my attention during the last couple of days…

[Shashdot] : iPad Isn't "Killing" Netbook Sales, According To Paul Thurrott

Paul Thurrott, the prolific technology analyst and Windows expert, reacts strongly to an article highlighted on Slashdot. Thurrott takes numbers from IDC and the Wall Street Journal, indicating that netbook sales have not in any meaningful way been affected by sales of Apple's tablet computer, the iPad.

“'[N]etbooks and sub-12-inch machines will sell 45.6 million units in 2011 and 60.3 million in 2013. If I remember the numbers from 2009, they were 10 percent of all PCs, or about 30 million units. Explain again how the iPad will beat that. Please. Even the craziest iPad sales predictions are a small percentage of that.”

[TheNexWeb France] The real reason of the Google homepage redesign / La véritable raison du redesign de Google

No need for words…


(Source: DownloadSquad)

[DevGrow] Web Designers: Not Everyone Uses A Mac

“There’s a new trend in web design that I’m already getting sick of. Designers, listen up! I know you love your Apple products and it’s great that you’ve found so much inspiration from their designs but please, for the sake of people who aren’t using OS X or Safari, make sure your web designs look good on other operating systems too.”


UPDATE: Just to be clear, the stats above are indeed for DevGrow, a site marketed towards web developers and designers. I checked a few of my other websites, including the last 400,000 visitors for a site that’s not as targeted, and Windows XP was unequivocally the dominant platform (for that site, 90% use Windows, of which 60% use XP).”

[TheKitchen] Tissot fait essayer ses montres en réalité augmentée (in French)


J’aime la marque, et j’aime aussi l’idée ;)

Voilà, c’est tout pour aujourd’hui. Enjoy!