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Build a cool game, enter to win an all-access pass to the 2015 Game Developer Conference


Calling all student game designers and  developers to join //GameOn


The Game Developer Conference rocks. And we’re helping you go there.

Know about the Game Developer Conference? It’s the world’s largest and longest-running professionals-only games conference, where 24,000 interactive games amateurs, professionals and luminaries exchange ideas and shape the future of the industry each year. It’s your opportunity to learn about the latest in video games and technologies, interact with like-minded individuals, and expand your network.In short, get started with your career in the gaming industry and have some serious fun.

Build a cool game, enter to win an all-access pass and trip to the 2015 GDC

The Microsoft Student //GameOn Contest will give away GDC all-access passes and a trip to three teams of students with the best games. All you need to do, is build a cool game that utilizes one of the Microsoft platforms (yes, desktop games count) –or port an existing one- and you can get into //GameOn!

We have more info and resources to help you get started.


For more info, or if you have any issues registering, email