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Microsoft Surface in Manchester

There’s been a lot of chatter about Microsoft Kinect this week and some of it connected to the meme of Natural User Interfaces – the idea being that the interfaces of the future will be much more natural and the computer will do more of the work rather than us having to. There are of course plenty of good examples of that in devices like the iPhone and iPad when it comes to touch and multitouch, voice activated systems like the automated system I used today from Orange to register my new PAYG SIM. I strolled across the one above featuring Microsoft Surface earlier this week.

It’s an implementation of Surface at the Manchester Visitor Information Centre that was developed by Magnetic North and using active objects it does a very nice job of showing the shopping, theatre and other attractions of the area.

I have a few other Surface projects to highlight over the next week or so – if you’ve seen others, let me know.