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Early notice about an upcomming training course titled exploits and countermeasures

NxtGenUG and Dinis Cruz from IOActive have teamed up to run two 2 day "Advanced ASP.NET Exploits and Countermeasures" training courses. One will be held in London and one in Birmingham. The courses will be in-depth training on learning how sophisticated hackers can attack ASP.NET applications and how developers can defend against such attacks.

The exact details are being finalised at the moment. If you're interested in attending the training then now's a good time to start trying to find a way to raise the £900 you'll need to pay for the 2 days training. Requirements for participants are that you need to take your own laptop and you must have good experience of working commercially with .NET and be familiar with MSIL.

Browse to the NxtGen User Group's news page to find out more.