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Windows Server 2012 R2 – Windows 8.1 – nouveautés en terme de sécurité et mobilité

Les premiers contenus sur Windows Server 2012 R2 et sur Windows 8.1 ont été présentés lors de l’édition américaine de TechEd. Pas mal de sessions sur les nouveautés de la prochaine version de Windows Server et quelques informations aussi sur Windows 8.1 couplé à son Server !!!

Voici une liste des sessions disponibles sur la sécurité et le travail distant depuis un poste nomade Windows 8.1, histoire de vous préparer à nos prochains IT Camps sur le sujet, prévus dès la rentrée prochaine Clignement d'œil et d’attendre les informations complémentaires sur Windows 8.1 qui seront données à la conférence Microsoft Build fin juin 2013.


What’s New in Windows 8.1 Security: Overview

Windows 8 offers a huge leap forward when it comes to security capability and took three years to get there, so what type of security improvements can you expect to see in a one-year project like Blue? You’ll be surprised! Come join us to learn about the improvements that Blue will offer in domains such as Malware Resistance, Data protection, and Access Control.


Windows Server Work Folders overview – my corporate data on all my devices

This session provides an overview of the new Windows Server Work Folders capabilities in Windows. Windows Server Work Folders allows information workers to have their files available to them on all their devices, wherever they are, and however they are connected. This is done in a secure manner governed by an IT policy so that now IT has oversight of the corporate data on IW devices, including the ability to automatically encrypt documents for safety so that the IT managers can adhere to the business and regulatory policies.


Windows Server Work Folders – a Deep Dive into the New Windows Server Data Sync Solution

This session discusses the different ways that you can deploy and use Windows Server Work Folders to gain oversight of IW corporate data. The session touches on different deployment options as well as migration strategies from existing solutions such as “Folder Redirection” and “Home Folders”. Windows Server Work Folders allows information workers to have their files available to them on all their devices, wherever they are and however they are connected while providing IT governance control


Secure Anywhere Access to Corporate Resources Such as Windows Server Work Folders Using ADFS

The increasingly popular trends of BYOD (bring your own device) and work from anywhere expose corporate IT resources to greater risk and drive the need to provide more secure, native device experiences that simultaneously enhance end user productivity. Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) in Windows Server is designed to enable end users to securely access corporate resources from devices of their choice while connected from inside or outside your corporate network. Learn how to manage risk by leveraging new ADFS capabilities such as network location awareness, device authentication, and multi-factor authentication with Windows Server Work Folders to allow information workers to have secure access to their corporate file services on any device from any location.


Enable Work from Anywhere without Losing Sleep: Remote Access with the Web Application Proxy and VPN Solutions

Enabling employees to work from anywhere necessitates on-premises corporate IT resources to be made available over the Internet. Companies are willing to enable this provided they can implement a risk management strategy that allows them to comply with their corporate IT governance. This session showcases how you can enable this remote access to make your users productive while being effective in managing risk. The Web Application Proxy in conjunction with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) allows IT admins to publish selected on-premises web application to the internet, and only allow access when specific criteria such as multi-factor authentication is satisfied. You can leverage a variety of VPN solutions, from Microsoft as well as popular VPN vendors, in order to meet all of your needs for enabling remote access. Hear about third-party plugin support for VPNs in Windows and how we deliver a streamlined user experience, even as we simplify the provisioning and allow for implementation of your risk management strategies.

Informations complémentaires sur Windows Server 2012 R2

Et si vous souhaitez découvrir en 4 heures des technologies telles que Windows Server 2012 (prochainement Windows Server 2012 R2), Windows 8 en entreprise (prochainement Windows 8.1), le Cloud Privé ou Hybride par Microsoft, vous pouvez vous inscrire gratuitement à un de nos IT Camps en cliquant ici

- Stanislas Quastana -