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New Windows container images of SQL Server 2017 on Windows Server 1709!

The Windows Server Core container images of SQL Server 2017 Developer & Express based on Windows Server version 1709 are now available on Docker Hub! These can be used in both Windows Server Containers as well as Hyper-V Containers.

Windows Server version 1709 brings the following important improvements that developers can take advantage of with the updated container images.

  1. First of all, the microsoft/windowsservercore image underneath SQL shrunk by more than 2GB, so the SQL Server images are also 2GB smaller.
  2. The networking support for containers was improved to support Kubernetes, now at beta in version 1.9 beta on Windows, and routing mesh with Docker Swarm.
  3. If you want to store your databases on remote storage, you can now by using global SMB mounts (New-SMBGlobalMapping) along with a docker volume (docker run -v c:\shared:c:\data microsoft/mssql-express-…).

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows Server Core version 1709
  • Windows 10 version 1709

Docker Pull Commands

  • SQL Server 2017 Developer (Windows based container) : docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:1709
  • SQL Server 2017 Express (Windows based container) : docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:1709