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Memory leaks...

I was all set to write up a great post on memory leaks, how to track them down etc.. blah blah blah.. but then I found this little gem

Heck I didnt even know we did KB's with video - just shows how much I know.

Anyway, this article and video does a great job of explaining how to use the stack trace report and the UMDH tool itself.

We use this a lot here and wanted to share the love a bit.

Just to add a few more items that are helpful in tracking mem leaks.

1. Always get a perfmon log . Are you sure it is a memory leak? Are there other items which follow it? LIke threads? Or handles?  -- perfmon is a nifty tool for confirming things like this.

2. Do NOT restart the process you are tracking - I had one fellow give me a bunch of umdh logs and each one had a different PID - like this:

// UMDH: version 6.0.5072.0: Logtime 2005-11-02 10:13 - Machine=BadMachine - PID=968

// OS version 5.2 Service Pack 1
// Umdh OS version 6.0
// Debug privilege has been enabled.
// Connecting to process 968 ...
// Process 968 opened (handle=2000) ...
// Debug options set: 00000007
// Debug library initialized ...
// Module enumeration completed.
// Reading target process trace database ...
// Database size 01000000
// Trace database read.
// Stack trace data base @ 01010000
// # traces in the data base 31039


// UMDH: version 6.0.5072.0: Logtime 2005-11-02 10:13 - Machine=BadMachine - PID=845

// UMDH: version 6.0.5072.0: Logtime 2005-11-02 10:13 - Machine=BadMachine - PID=912

Don't do this :) - kinda hard to track a leak when you keep restarting the app..

3. If you can, get a userdump of the process as well when you are ready to stop collecting UMDH logs and ready to analyze. Why? The raw stack data is in there and there are times when it is useful to have.



  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2007
    Thanks, this kb article is great. This is the first tine I saw video in a kb article as well, I hope they do more.

  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2007
    Say you have a leak on a customer machine.  Your company's .pdb files are accessible via VPN, but if your IT guys won't let a customer machine in, is there a way to get 'raw' stack traces for the allocations, bring them back into your network, and then let UMDH interpret them?

  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2007
    UMDH cant do this - you basically end up with something like: Allocations for trace BackTrace8502420: 009A0210  

  •   52326 (  52326 -      0)      1 allocs BackTrace8509272
  •       1 (      1 -      0) BackTrace8509272 allocations        76FEDAB4        76799B12        767A30B3        767A2FBC        767A2F0C        767A2319        767A1C58        767A1BC0        76799A97        76799A61        76799D04        770D140F        770D159E        770D1488        7710BEB3        7710BE45        77109D68        7710BC31        7710BEDC        7710C156        74608CFB        74608EDB        74609F98        74600563        7465188D        77111A10        77111AE8        77111C03        77113656        76FE0E6E        7712D25C        77101460 You can do a few things - you can use SymFromAddr - Or you can use the built in debugger functionality - when you get back to corp net - load up the process under the debugger, find some free mem to edit and place the addresses in there. Then do a DPS on it and it will resolve them all for you. Cant think of an easier way - except, since it sounds like you are on site bring the PDB's with you  :)
  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2007
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2007
    We are testing our Windows Server based product on Longhorn. During stress testing, we see what appears to be a fairly significant memory leak (over >48 hrs). Look at the first stack trace. There is only one function call there - ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0000021D, so it does not tell you what triggered the leak. Is this because UMDH could not walk the stack? (due to a some loaded module that uses FPO?). How can you get around this?
  • 36686968 ( 40772037 - 4085069)  13723 allocs BackTrace162528
  •    4185 (  13723 -   9538) BackTrace162528 allocations ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0000021D
  •  811504 ( 811504 -      0)      1 allocs BackTraceD4354F4
  •       1 (      1 -      0) BackTraceD4354F4 allocations ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0000021D pdh!PdhiHeapAlloc+00000029
  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2007
    To be clear: I am talking about BackTrace162528 and not BackTraceD4354F4 (which has the full call stack, just not including it in the comment).

  • Anonymous
    November 07, 2007
    Ya this is a problem with UMDH  - you can try leakdiag here : It's a litle different but pretty straightforward in usage. steve