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Steve’s Newsletter–June 2011

Did you notice that it’s June, too?  If you work in the field at Microsoft, you’ve probably been preparing for the last month of our fiscal year by either setting a “1 month” reminder or actually ripping the month right out of your calendar (sorry, you can’t do that in Outlook.  Feature request, maybe?).

So this edition of the newsletter is being written in parts at an airport, on a plane, or quietly downstairs in my home office.


Events & Trainings

  • 6/10: HTML5 Web Camps in Colorado Springs and Irvine! The focus? HTML5. ‘Nuff said. Come to this web camp (it’s FREE, by the way) to learn how to leverage HTML5 to build the next generation of exciting websites. Presentations & demos to start, followed by hands-on labs to really get those creative juices flowing. Get registered today!
  • 6/10:  Azure Bootcamp coming to Denver and Salt Lake City!  Join us for an immersive experience which will help explore and learn about how to leverage the Windows Azure platform and get started with the tools and architecture available. Register now, as space is limited! (Registration: Denver | Salt Lake City)
  • 6/24: Windows Phone 7 Unleashed event in Tempe!  BYO laptop for a 1/2 day of lecture and 1/2 day of lab!
  • Upcoming Webcasts:

Final Thoughts

I’m officially “in role” in Southern California again (additive to my current areas) alongside William Salazar.  If you have development teams in SoCal, give me a shout, as I’d love to see how I can help you get the most bang for your buck out of your Microsoft development products.

This newsletter will probably take a month off in July as I hope to catch up on my “work/life” balance.  :)

I receive a lot of email each week from you asking very specific, and valuable questions. It’s my hope that a newsletter like this will help me communicate important announcements, tips/tricks, and other items to help you and your team ultimately be more successful! Whenever I post a new newsletter, I will send email notifications to those of you who would like to be contacted. If you don’t want to receive email notifications, just let me know !