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Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta – Thank you and goodnight!

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to present two sessions at the Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta in downtown Denver.  The event itself was incredibly well-attended, with well over 400 people showing up early on a Saturday morning.  What a successful day!

Dave and Julie Yack involved me in the keynote as well (probably against their better judgment, but it was fun all the same).

I had mentioned earlier that I’d be doing two sessions, the second of which was entitled, “TFS: Team Development on Crack”.  About 40 people showed up, so it either must’ve been the outside hope of actually getting crack swag, or that there were no other intriguing sessions at that time.  But I had a blast presenting on Team Foundation Server 2010 with a “crack-centric” slant.

Here is my presentation on SlideShare (for some reason, embedding isn’t working too well, so you get a link instead):


To those of you who attended, thanks for stopping by!