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Recording of webinar 'Querying & Updating Data From Silverlight Clients with WCF RIA Services' by Brian Noyes

Silverlight Webinar: In this episode of Silverlight Show, Microsoft Regional Director Brian Noyes presents ‘Querying & Updating Data from Silverlight Clients with WCF RIA Services'. In this recordedclip_image002_b792962c-3145-4acf-9b82-0d01f708fe0f webinar Brian discusses the following topics:

  • WCF RIA Services Overview
  • Defining a Domain Service
  • Querying the Domain Service with a DomainDataSource
  • Querying the Domain Service from Code
  • Async Calling Patterns of WCF RIA Services
  • Updating Entities with WCF RIA Services

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