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Lastmile check for ConfigMgr'07 SP1 upgrade

ConfigMgr'07 SP1 is released today and here is link for downloading the SP1 bits

As recently we have upgraded our sites to ConfigMgr'07 SP1 and I would like to share some of the key learnings which are also available in the release notes. If you are preparing for ConfigMgr’07 Sp1 upgrade in production, I would highly recommend to go through the latest release notes html file “ConfigMgr07SP1Readme” for the known issues and workaround available for the same.

Here is the snippet form the release notes for some the key known issues and their details & workarounds are available in the release notes:

· Upgrading large site databases to Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 is extremely slow and disk space usage intensive

· A management point site system installed on a Windows Server 2008 computer in native mode might become unresponsive

· Extend Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager 2007 if Internet-based clients will be managed on both the Internet and the intranet.

· Distribution point reinstallation on 64-bit installations of Windows Server 2008 might fail after changing client communication ports.

· After running the Security Configuration Wizard on the site server, clients are unable to download content from the software update point

· Update classification and product information is reset after upgrade

· Extend Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager 2007 if Internet-based clients will be managed on both the Internet and the intranet.

· Report “List of NAP-capable and NAP-upgradable computers” does not include computers running Windows XP Service Pack 3

Also one of the pre-requisite for ConfigMgr’07 SP1 is that WSUS 3.0 SP1 is required on Primary site as well as on all SUP sites. And when you “Run the prerequisite checker” wizard it will fail if WSUS 3.0 SP1 is not installed on Primary site but will not fail if it is not installed on remote SUP site, so it is recommended to upgrade WSUS 3.0 SP1 on remote SUP sites prior to ConfigMgr’07 SP1 upgrade.
