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.NET Security Blog

An Enhanced Version of the Sandboxed AppDomain

Last week I showed how to create an AppDomain with a limited set of permissions. I also presented an...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 11/02/2004

David Starts Blogging

David Notario has started up a blog ... he's one of the x86 JIT devs, and (since his office is right...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/27/2004

Easily Creating a StrongNameMembershipCondition for an Assembly

Taking a break from sandboxing in an AppDomain for a minute, lets take a look at another aspect of...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/26/2004

Creating an AppDomain with limited permissions

Oftentimes in an application, it's necessary to run untrusted code. The CLR lets you do this safely...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/25/2004

Getting the Current Permissions in a Named Permission Set

There are several named permission sets defined by default in the CLR security policy: FullTrust...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/22/2004

The Locations of the Other Policy Levels

On Monday I wrote about how to recover CasPol to a usable state, if you've modified the security...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/21/2004

I'm Published!

The November 2004 issue of MSDN magazine is available online now, and it includes the first article...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/19/2004

What to do when CasPol throws SecurityExceptions

CasPol is written in managed code, and as such is subject to the CLR's security policy system just...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/18/2004

Grunk Posts on File Canonicalization for FileIOPermission

Brian Grunnkmeyer recently posted a good piece on how FileIOPermission deals with file and path...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/15/2004

Does StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx Cache Registry Lookup Results?

I received a question recently about my post on Checking for a Valid Strong Name Signature. The...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/14/2004

Replacing Calc with Calculator Plus

On my home machine, and one of my office machines I log in as a normal user, and only elevate to an...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/06/2004

Mike Stall's (Relatively)New Debugger Blog

Mike Stall is one of the devs on our base services team, and his focus is on managed debugging. I...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/05/2004

The Return of ManagedStrongName: Key Containers

(updated 12/3/04, pointed to the newly refactored source) It's been nearly two months since the last...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 10/01/2004

Why Can't I Change the KeySize of Asymmetric Algoritms or: The Joys of Backwards Compatibility

Here's a little quirk that can definitely cause a lot of confusion. When I run the following code...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/28/2004

How To Tell if Two PermissionSets Are The Same

Determining if two PermissionSet objects are logically the same is a relatively common thing for an...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/27/2004

Finding Out The Current User in the Debugger

Every once in a while, while debugging multi-threaded applications that do impersonation, it becomes...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/23/2004

How do you use MigPol?

In preparing for Whidbey, we'd like to collect some information about how you use the MigPol tool....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/15/2004

FormatMessage Shortcut for Win32 Error Codes

If you ever need to P/Invoke to an API that returns extended error information via the GetLastError...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/10/2004

Spot the Defect: Modifying the Security Policy in Code

Modifying the CLR's security policy can be done in your code by interacting with the SecurityManager...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/09/2004

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the GC

Chris Lyon, the CLR's GC tester, has just started up a new MSDN blog. Working on the GC, Chris has a...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/08/2004

Deploying Policy on v1.0 and 1.1 of the CLR

A lot of the time, someone has written an application that won't run under the CLR's default...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/07/2004

.NET 1.0 SP 3 and .NET 1.1 SP 1 Released

Today we pushed .NET 1.0 SP3 and .NET 1.1 SP1 onto Windows Update as a Critical Update. You can also...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 09/02/2004

New ILAsm Support For Assembly-Level Security

Before Whidbey shipped, using assembly level declarative security was always a bit of a pain....

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/31/2004

Assembly Level Declarative Security

Assembly level declarative security comes in three forms, RequestMinimum, RequestOptional, and...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/30/2004

All About Assert Part IV: When Assert Won't Help

In Assert Myth #7, I mention three ways for a demand for a permission to fail even though that...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/26/2004

All About Assert Part III: Dispelling the Myths

So far we've seen What Assert Actually Does, and What Assert Is Good For, now its time to examine...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/25/2004

All About Assert Part II: What Assert Is Good For

Now that we know what Assert does, lets figure out what it's good for. The two most common uses of...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/24/2004

All About Assert Part I: What Assert Actually Does

There are several common misconceptions about the Assert stack modifier, not the least of which are:...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/23/2004

Post Build Assembly Modification Or: Why Won't SN -Vr Work on Tampered Assemblies

A while back I wrote about delay signing an assembly, and using SN -Vr to register that assembly to...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/20/2004


Prior to Whidbey, interop with Win32 handles was done by passing IntPtrs back and forth through...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/12/2004

Matt Pietrek on How Iterators Work

One of the things on my blog todo list was to write an entry showing how C# iterators work under the...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 08/02/2004

Whidbey's New SecurityException

One of the more difficult things to debug with .NET 1.0 and 1.1 is the security exception. With...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/30/2004

Using DecryptDocument with Super-Encrypted Data

The EncryptedXml class comes with a nice utility method called DecryptDocument (For more information...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/21/2004

Bye Bye Mr. CIO Guy

This is a few weeks old, but I figured I'd post it anyway since it's pretty funny. Channel9 is...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/20/2004

Why == and the Equals Method Return Different Results for Floating Point Values

There's a subtle difference between comparing floating point values with the Equals method and...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/19/2004

Eric Explains Why Generic Parameters Have Only One Letter

A lot of people have been wondering why the CLR design guidelines (and the generic BCL classes), use...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/16/2004

What Happens When My Application Throws An Unhandled Exception

There are several different behaviors that can occur when a managed application throws an unhandled...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/15/2004

Generating StrongName Keys

(updated 12/03/04 to point to refactored code) Generating Keys It's been just under a month since...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/09/2004

ClickOnce Bootstrapper Manifest Generator

David Guyer, from the VB.Net test team, has released his ClickOnce Bootstrapper Manifest Generator...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/07/2004

Chat with the Crypto API Team ... For Real This Time

A few weeks back, I mentioned the Crypto API team was having an online chat. It got postponed from...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/02/2004

New Debugger Features for Whidbey

Andy blogs about the new features in the Visual Studio 2005 debugger. Of all these, tracepoints...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 07/01/2004

What's in a Name

With the beta 1 release of Whidbey, you'll start to see that many of the ClickOnce APIs require an...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 06/30/2004

Whidbey Beta 1 Ships

Well, we've finally released beta 1 of .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. In adition to the beta 1...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 06/29/2004

Managed Strong Names: Verification and the msn.exe tool

(Updated 12/03/2004 to point to refactored code .. see that article for a more accurate description...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 06/23/2004

Managed StrongName API

About a week ago, I wrote about verifying strong name signatures from managed code. There are also...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 06/18/2004

Chat with the Crypto API Team

The CAPI team that delivers the Microsoft Cryptography SDK (the unmanaged crypto API, not...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 06/17/2004

Calli is not Verifiable

This entry probably doesn't pertain to very many people, but I got bit by this the other day, and...

Author: Shawn Farkas - MS Date: 06/14/2004

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