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Trying out Service Bus Premium Messaging

Last week we launched the public preview of Azure Premium Messaging. This service delivers all the features of Service Bus Queues and Topics in an isolated runtime.


Creating a new Premium namespace can now be done in the Azure portal. Simply navigate to Service Bus then click the Create button at the bottom of the portal.



This will bring up the Create Namespace dialog (shown below) from which you can select a Namespace type of Messaging and a Tier of Premium. When you do this you can also select the number of Messaging Units you wish to have allocated to the namespace.


After creating the namespace it appears in the portal like any other namespace with the addition of a SKU column to help you determine which namespaces use what tier.


Clicking into the namespace it works like any existing Service Bus Messaging namespace. You can create queues and topics like you always have using the +New command



It is worth remembering that most customers create their messaging entities programmatically.


Once created queues and topics appear in the portal as they always have.


You can also go to the Scale tab to change the number of Messaging Units allocated to the namespace. Remember that this is charged at the maximum daily value.


Service Bus Premium Messaging uses the same APIs and SDKs as Standard so you don't need to change your code to use Service Bus Premium Messaging. Premium Messaging is targeted at users of queues and topics who have strict latency, availability, and throughput requirements. Give it a try today and see for yourself!