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What's up with the weather this winter!?!?

Well after the blizard a few weeks back. Now today we've been hit with a massive wind storm. Barely made it to work today as a tree went down right across the road. The funny thing is I was outsite putting stuff in my car when and then the UPS delivery guy showed up. As I am signing for the delivery, we hear this loud crash sound and both are saying "This didn't sound good!"

Fortunately, the tree did not hit anything but was essentially blocking the only road out of where I live. The UPS guy decided to build a ramp with pieces of wood and played dare-devil by essentially jumping over the trunk. He did manage to get through but wasn't going to risk the same with my car. So I managed to find a small off-road path through the yard and make it through the neighbor's driveway.

Now there are branches everywhere. Actually surprised we still have power at home and work considering the damage this storm left behind.
