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Self-Publishing Update: What’s going on with Paradoxal Press?


It has been quite a while since I have posted any kind of general update into my Self-Publishing and general publishing efforts. With all the has been going on, I think it is as good of a time as ever to post a general update.


Practical .NET2 and C#2


Sales are going very well with this new book. Well, things have slowed down in the last week or so. Hoping that new reviews coming in and the buzz around Visual NDepend will spark things back up. Of course, this whole debacle with Amazon sure isn’t helping, but I have to find alternative sources of advertisement.


This title being the first non-self-published title by Paradoxal Press has been a tremendous learning experience about the publishing process, negotiating author contracts and the whole overall book distribution process. I have to admit there was definitely a few snags along the process. But as with anything, the learning experience was valuable and should make the publishing of future titles easier.


Also, if you have read the book, please take time to help us spread the word by talking about it on your website or blog. Also, please leave a review on Amazon at:


The COMPLETE Effect and HLSL Guide


Sales are still going pretty well considering this title has been out for a while now. Seems that whenever a blogger posts about it, sales soar back up. All the feedback received so far has been really great. The book it off-beat from the usual titles and is intended as a reference manual rather than a “learning book”. If you have a computer graphics blog and would like to get a review copy, please email me at At the moment, I am considering a second edition of this book, which covers any new additions for DirectX 10 and Windows Vista.




This little booklet has always been somewhat of an oddball. Thought the idea was great, feedback has been awesome but yet again, very little sales. Based on downloads when I released the free PDF equivalent, there is an interest in such a booklet but there is little interest in paying for it. I am considering an updated version for Shader Model 4.0 (DirectX 10) but and trying to decide what is the best means of distribution for the new version. Some way to make it profitable and yet appealing to the mass market.


New Books at Paradoxal Press?


Are there any new books in the works? Nothing official yet, I have been in talks with a few authors and have been trying to figure out the line-up for the next year or so. So far, I hope to publish another 2-3 books in the next year.


I myself am not writing at the moment, the whole management of Paradoxal Press and my work on Flight Simulator has been keeping me sufficiently busy. My only plan at the moment is a revised version of “The COMPLETE Effect and HLSL Guide” to take into account for changes in the upcoming DirectX 10.


And of course, as I regularly mention in my posts. I am always looking for new authors. Especially with several new technologies coming out of Microsoft in the next year (Vista, Avalon, DirectX10,…) there is a lot of content that may be worth writing about and am looking for authors experienced in those fields who are looking for opportunities with a non-traditional publishing model.


If interested or want to know more about my publishing model, you can contact me at
