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Free IPods... Myth or scam? (week 3 update)

Well, it has been almost 3 weeks since my initial post (more like 2 1/2) and its time for another update.

I am still going on both the FreeIPods site and the PDATech4Free sites. I have made some progress over the last 2 weeks but it seems that things have been slowing down over the past few days.

Needed: 5
Referals: 3 (2 green / 1 yellow)
- So i'm about half way on this one. It has been much harder finding referals here, this site is fairly saturated and it is harder to find people interested who aren't already subscribed to it.

Needed: 12
Referals: 13 (6 green / 7 yellows).
- For some reason, many referals on this site aren't getting their credits. I've been pushing the owners to investigate and I hope i can get a few more greens out of the referals I already have.

I've been doing a fair amount of referal trading (i'll do your site if you do mine), which has forced me to do a few more offers. But this creates strong referals which are more likely to turn green. So far, i've spent around 80-100$. Which does not make the gadgets "free" but its a pretty good discount for around 800$ of gear ;)

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