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David Hayden talks about "Practical .NET2 and C#2".

David Hayden, a well known website developer and .NET blogger talks about his initial comments on Practical .NET2 and C#2

Reading Practical .NET 2 and C#2 by Patrick Smacchia

Kudos to Patrick Smacchia on his new book, Practical .NET 2 and C#2.

I have read about 150 pages of the 800+ page book and the book rocks. The chapters I have read so far ( yeah, I don't always read the chapters in order ):

  • Chapter 1: Assembly, module, IL language
  • Chapter 4: The CLR ( Common Language Runtime )
  • Chapter 5: Processes, threads, and synchronization
  • Chapter 7: Reflection, late binding, attributes
  • Chapter 12: Inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction
  • Chapter 13: Generics
  • Chapter 15: Collections

are excellent and full of detail. The pages are packed, too:

  • No big glaring gaps of white space and fluff that you get from some books that try to meet a page minimum.
  • Code samples get right to the point as opposed to showing a lot of extraneous code.
  • All code is in C# which means you don't have to deal with duplicate examples in multiple languages.

I will give a full review in a few weeks, but so far the book is a real joy to read. Check it out for yourself.


Source:  David Hayden ( Florida .NET Developer )