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Book: "The COMPLETE Effect and HLSL Guide"

By Sebastien St-LaurentISBN 0-9766132-1-2September 2005 (324 pages)

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The topic of The Complete Effect and HLSL Guide is shader development and management, and therefore it is written for any developers who have some interest in being efficient at using and integrating shaders within their applications. This book is written to serve as both a teaching and reference manual, making it a must-have to everybody from hobbyist programmers to professional developers. The approach taken throughout The Complete Effect and HLSL Guide makes it the perfect book for anyone who wants to integrate shaders into their application and take advantage of the power of the DirectX effect framework and the HLSL shading language.


Introduction to both the HLSL shading language and effect file development including their detailed syntax and use.

Complete reference along with performance considerations to every HLSL and assembly shader instructions.

Introdution the DirectX Effect Framework and complete overview to its API.

Optimization tips and tricks to make the best out of your shaders.

Coverage of all the main components of the Effect Framework in addition to putting the pieces of the puzzle together allowing you to develop a shader management framework.

Table of Contents
SECTION 1 – The HLSL Shading Language

  • Chapter 1: Shaders and the HLSL Shader Language
  • Chapter 2: The Structure of HLSL
  • Chapter 3: Functions, Nothing but Functions
  • Chapter 4: Shader Examples

SECTION 2 – The Effect Files

  • Chapter 5: The Effect File Format
  • Chapter 6: Semantics and Annotations
  • Chapter 7: Shader Optimization and Shortcuts

SECTION 3 – The DirectX Effect Framework

  • Chapter 8: Framework Overview
  • Chapter 9: The EFFECT
  • Chapter 10: Sharing Parameters
  • Chapter 11: Effect State Manager
  • Chapter 12: Effect Compiler and Include Manager

SECTION 4 – Appendices

  • Appendix – A: Shader Assembly Instructions
  • Appendix – B: HLSL Instruction Reference
  • Appendix – C: Standard Semantics and Annotations