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A new version of EasyBarcode is comming up soon.

One of the things i've been fiddling with during my off time is working on Version 2.0 of EasyBarcode. Version 1.x was focused only on ISBN/Booklan barcodes. However the new version will add support for most common 1D barcdode symbologies as well as a few 2D symbologies. Some of the new features include:

  • Support for most 1D barcode symbologies
  • Support for common 2D barcodes such as PDF417 and Maxicode
  • Layout based engine which allows to place various design items (barcodes, images, text,...) on a design surface
  • The ability to print and export to various file formats including bitmapped formats and vector formats
  • Basic Microsoft Office 2007 integration
  • Office (Ribbon) look-and-feel.


Because it will support more barcode types, I do plan on increasing the pricing for the software a little. But will provide a free upgrade for anyone who purchased the 1.x version before version 2.0 is released. The link to the current release is here: EasyBarcode.

An exact release date has not been set yet, but 80% of the features are there. So I would expect to release the new version in the next 1-2 months.