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Cloud-based Development via Node.js and Cloud9 IDE Integration Coming Soon

We all know that Node.js and Cloud9 IDE are both hot bits of technology so it should come as no surprise that Joyent and Cloud9 have partnered to make it easy to build, run, debug and deploy Node applications using the web-based IDE.

Here's the press release:

In an arrangement that brings together the work of JavaScript inventor Brendan Eich and Node.js inventor Ryan Dahl, Joyent and Cloud9 IDE, Inc. today announced an agreement to provide web application developers with a one-stop cloud development and deployment platform for Node.js applications from within the Cloud9 IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

The Cloud9 IDE, a state-of-the-art IDE that runs in the browser and lives on Joyent’s public cloud,, allows developers to run, debug and deploy applications from anywhere, anytime. This joint effort gives developers ready access to a premium IDE at no cost for pre-production use, and includes support for commercial use.

Developers can self-provision their Joyent Node.js SmartMachines from within the Cloud9 IDE, and immediately begin testing on their Node.js-based application. Once an application is ready for production, developers are able to purchase commercial cloud services that ensure scalable, successful deployment.

“If you want to see the future of cloud computing, this is it. Joyent has the complete cloud data center software stack and we have the cloud-based IDE for JavaScript, which is the language used by over three-quarters of websites today and is a key part of the explosion of mobile apps,” said Cloud9 IDE CEO Ruben Daniels. “The new integrated solution lets you create your development project in Cloud9, and then test and run your code on the Joyent architecture. You don’t have to create a new Joyent account – Joyent automatically accepts the login and billing information from your Cloud9 IDE account.”

  “We want to provide developers with the best tools for developing next-generation web applications, and this partnership does just that,” said David Young, Joyent CEO. “The combination of the Node.js IDE and Joyent cloud make it effortless for a developer to get an app up and running in the cloud quickly and successfully.”

Joyent Chief Evangelist Tom Hughes-Croucher and Cloud9 IDE, Inc. CTO Rik Arends will be putting on a webinar discussion about this partnership on Wednesay, July 20 at 10 AM Pacific time. Sign up here.

Here are some pics to whet your appetite: