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Roger's Security Blog

As Chief Security Advisor of Microsoft EMEA - lets share interesting security information

Attacks on Application Level

That the attacks move up the stack is really nothing new. However, it increases the challenge to...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/18/2011

UNODC: Open Ended Expert Group on Cybercrime

From tomorrow on, UNDOC invited for an Open Ended Expert Group on Cybercrime in Vienna. I am really...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/16/2011

Real Physical Security

I saw this this morning – have a great weekend: Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/14/2011

Cybercrime as a Service–Our Future?

It is not really surprising that the criminals will leverage the economy of Cloud Computing for...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/12/2011

Dilbert on Cloud Computing

The worst thing is, that there is some truth in that: At least, this is what I see often, before I...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/07/2011

Exciting News from the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas

After the launch of different products for the consumer, businesses and in the Cloud, Steve Ballmer...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/06/2011

Targeted Attacks: The Biggest Risk in 2011?

Since quite a while, I am saying that targeted attacks are the risks, which really keep me up at...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 01/03/2011

And you think you have security problems? Merry Christmas


Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/25/2010

My Blackberry Is Not Working!

That’s absolutely great and worth spending the few minutes – enjoy: Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/22/2010

I sold my soul to Google, can I get it back?

Well, this question was not asked by me but by a guy called Joe Wilcox on Betanews: I sold my soul...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/13/2010

On the effectiveness of DEP and ASLR

Our Security Research and Defense team published a blog post, which is really interesting to read to...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/09/2010

Mitigating the use of Local Admin

We recently had internal discussions on the use of local admin and how to mitigate it. During this,...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/05/2010

Behind the Curtain of Second Tuesdays: Challenges in Software Security Response

You might know about Bluehat, which is an internal security conference we run several times an year....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 12/02/2010

Security Development Lifecycle: Quick References

A quick one: An interesting download location: With the SDL Quick Security References (QSR), the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/30/2010

Publishing Secret or Sensitive Information

With a lot of interest I followed the media on the latest Wikileaks’ publication of sensitive...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/30/2010

The Cloud is Also Green

Yes, not only gray Seriously, we commissioned a study to see what the impact of cloud computing is...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/21/2010

Information Security Management System for Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure

Just a quick one. Our Global Foundation Services organization (the ones who run our datacenters)...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/19/2010

New Baselines for the Security Compliance Manager

There were just new resources released for the Security Compliance Manager: the Windows Server 2008...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/16/2010

Basic Malware Protection for Free?

It is kind of strange, whenever I talk to governments and customers, everybody seems to agree that...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/15/2010

Fixing Risk Management

Since quite a while I am not satisfied with the way we (in the industry) are doing risk management....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/14/2010

Hotmail now with full-session SSL

If you use Hotmail, you should enable full session SSL in my opinion. Additionally we use SSL for...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/11/2010

Russia to revise Cybercrime Legislation?

You know that I am propagating the adoption of cybercrime legislation, which is aligned across the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/05/2010

Move to latest versions - for security reasons

We all know that Windows XP is rock-solid but not capable anymore to defend against today’s...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/02/2010

Worldwide Chief Security Advisor Meeting

I know that I have been very, very quiet over the last two weeks. The reason was, that the worldwide...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 11/01/2010

Internet on Mount Everest

I already have a problem the way tourism develops on Mount Everest (definitely understanding that...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/29/2010

The Botnet Superhighway

An interesting analysis by the Malware Protection Center: The Botnet Superhighway Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/22/2010

Windows Phone 7 Reviews

I just got a mail that my Windows Phone 7 is ready for pick-up. Unfortunately I am in Redmond at the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/22/2010

Ray Ozzie’s Blog is Back

As I am still oof, another short one: Ray Ozzie’s blog is back: Ray is definitely...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/17/2010

When Identity Theft and Privacy Meet

It is always bad, if comics have a significant portion of truth: and then and finally hmm…. too much...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/14/2010

Security Intelligence Report v9 is online

Usually I blog intensively on the release of the Security Intelligence Report. However, this time I...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/13/2010

Security in Switzerland

I am preparing the worldwide Chief Security Advisor meeting in Seattle, which takes place soon. I am...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/12/2010

Stuxnet talks – do we listen?

Stuxnet is a severe threat – that’s something we know for sure. But if we look at it – what do we...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/12/2010

Can cloud security ever work?

An interesting question, posed by Can cloud security ever work? – How relevant is the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/06/2010

Responsibility of ISPs for the ecosystem?

If you like Scott Chaney's suggestion he made at ISSE this week called Collective Defense - Applying...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/06/2010

UNHCR and Microsoft to help refugees

No, this is not yet another announcement – this is a picture of today’s reality. UNHCR just...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/05/2010

Is the online world more dangerous?

I often hear statements that the risk of losing your identity or being a victim of fraud is much...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/04/2010

“Freedom of speech” does not mean you can say everything!

Sometimes I feel that people think the Internet is a room, where the laws of our society do not...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 10/03/2010

Windows Live Essentials 2011 available for download now

I am using it since the Beta and it is really cool. I am using Messenger (with the integration to...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/30/2010

How to Detect a Hacker Attack

This title immediately caught my attention and probably yours as well: How to detect a hacker attack...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/30/2010

Customer Experience Study: Security Improves in the Cloud

Last week, when I was in South Africa, a partner of us pointed me to a very interesting paper by...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/28/2010

Support and OpenSource

I know that I am not an OpenSource expert and to be completely clear: I do not want to complain at...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/28/2010

Stuxnet: Future of warfare? Or just lax security?

What is your view?: Stuxnet: Future of warfare? Or just lax security? Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/27/2010

The Value of Twitter–Revisited

Actually I had a few very interesting discussions lately as a reaction on my post Is There Any Value...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/27/2010

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