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mais uma notícia boa do Silverlight 3: recortando canal Alfa de video


sempre me perguntavam se Silverlight tinha suporte pra video com canal alfa, e eu sempre respondia: ainda não.  agora, com o Silverlight 3 a caminho, posso dizer: sim senhor  :)

dê uma olhada nisso:

One of the foundational new features in Silverlight 3 (to be released later this year) is the GPU-based Pixel Shader support like WPF already has.  You can use any pixel shaders created for WPF for Silverlight applications.  The WPF Pixel Shader Library on CodePlex now has a Silverlight 3 library as part of the source code.  One of the shaders in that library is a simple color key pixel shader.  I started with that shader and adapted it by adding color and tolerance properties as well as design-time support for Expression Blend 3 and an installer that adds the shader to Expression Blend Asset panel).

aqui está o link onde voce pode baixar o instalador e o código-fonte gratuitamente: Synergist : Alpha Video with Silverlight 3 Pixel Shaders
